the same time as language of school teaching. By the end of the XIV century to domination of French there comes the end though separate remnants of the last remained still long time. «English, - it was noted in special literature, - it was accepted as language of oral communication, but it should win still recognition as to the best means for creation of written works. French and Latin were still considered as the most suitable languages ??for literary expression; thus, XIV and XV century became witnesses of huge popularity of translational activity. In the similar way British expected to give to English translation part of that prestige which original language » possessed. [31, p. 15]., It is possible to call translations of the composition of this sort only conditionally. Rather a speech has to go about development of foreign-language literature and assimilation of the artistic touches used then at creation of original works.XIV century was marked by also important events in the sphere of bible translation. In the middle of the century there is Psalter Richard Roll from Hempoll (county Yorkshire) was which founder. On different dialects glosses and translations of separate parts of the Scriptus were made. However the central place here belongs to the first full reconstruction of the Bible in English, connected with John Uiklif «s activity (1320-1384) - one of the largest religious thinkers of the time, dared to throw down an open challenge of church hierarchy and spread by it any more one century of the notorious theory «tthreelingua». about translational tradition of the XIV century, mention usually and a name of the largest medieval author Jeffrey Chaucer (1340-1400), the author of glorified «The Canterbury Tales ». Peru Chaucer possesses translates processing from the French, Latin and Italian languages ??(including some works of Boccaccio with whom the English poet was personally familiar, and also Boetsy »s well-known composition« About a consolation philosophy »). The XV century John Lidgeyta «s translational activity (1370 was allocated? - 1451?) whose compositions took place and at Chaucer represented a peculiar synthesis foreign-language (Latin and French) sources and original creativity. At the beginning of the century appeared (some decades later after Chaucer »s version) the new translation of the book of Boetsy, executed by John Walton. English first printer William Kekston (1422 was engaged in translation also? - 1491?) Whose method of transfer of the foreign-language original wasn «t always free from literalism (though in prefaces and epilogs it didn» t hide own doubts concerning results of the work). The generous patron was found by translators of antique classics in the person of John Giptrof, the column Uorchesters (1420-1470) which and translated Cicero and Caesar., It is possible to note that by the boundary separating the Middle Ages from Renaissance, in England there was the rich translational tradition which has passed in the development a big and difficult way.development of world culture from the perception of translation reveals a stable group of thoughts and forms, of cultures continually fascinating new influence for the reason that of the labor of translators. It dispels the supposition that the whole thing starts in the West and undermines the thought of rigid limitations flanked by East and West. India, China, Iraq and Spain have in dissimilar ways wrought European culture. India...