="justify"> easy as duck soup or as a duck takes to water .
. Lord love a duck . This expression is very emotional loading. We are not very well imagine what emotions speakers put in this exclamation and what is a duck, so the appropriate phrase in the Ukrainian language devoid animalistic elements (В«Їй-боВ»).
. To take to something like a duck to water . When the British wants to show that he is comfortable and he feels good in this situation he uses animalism DUCK, while the Ukrainian compares all this with the concept of FISH. The Ukrainian equivalent is В«почуватіся як риба у водіВ».
. The phrase Like water off a duck's back shows that someone does not respond to something or does not influence on anyone. This expression both in English and in Ukrainian has almost an identical content: В«як з Гуски водаВ».
PIGEON is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Also it is a symbol of true love, peace and tenderness. For mankind pigeon is a mundane love bird, the bird of peace. p align="justify">. When the British wants to say that people cope with labor, in spite of its external parameters, they use the proverb: Little pigeons can carry great messages . The Ukrainian equivalent does not contain animalistic elements in its structure, but no less interesting: В«Мале тілом, та ровері духомВ».
2. The expression to put/set a cat among the pigeons shows that someone said or did something wrong, thus offended interlocutors. The Ukrainian equivalent has not been found.
. There are such idioms in English: that's my pigeon , which translates this is my business (В«це моя справаВ»). This animalism exists only in English and bears the load which is not clear enough for a man of the Ukrainian mentality.
. It is well known that a pigeon symbolizes love and tenderness, family happiness and prosperity. It is not surprising that a responsible and honest man in England associated with this bird: to be somebody's pigeon (нести відповідальнісь).
The concept STORK also can serve as an interesting example of phraseolog...