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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

Реферат Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

ical units.is a symbol of love to a father, mother, and so it is a symbol of family welfare. According to the legend only those yard can live in happiness where storks nest, because he is the sacred bird and to ruin his nest will punished by fire. And stork brings babies into the house. Therefore, expressions using this concept can carry only a single value, which is connected with children.example, the idiom to keep the stork flying means to have many children, and visit from the stork means to bear.is a synthesis of mind, courage, youth and strength. Hawk is a mediator between the worlds, because it has the clearest eyes and the fastest wings and this allows him to carry the soul of the deceased into the Other World.

. Everybody knows that the hawk has an excellent eyesight, so no wonder why the British compare it with the hawk's eyes: To have eyes like a hawk . The Ukrainian express it simply: В«маті гострий зірВ». In this case, the English version is more emotional.

2. To watch someone like a hawk is a phrase which is used when a person closely watching something, not taking his eyes. There is no a Ukrainian equivalent to this phrase.

SWAN is a symbol of the divine, white swan is a symbol of the Sun and Good, Beauty and true Love. The High expression of loyalty is loyalty to a swan, and the last and the most significant life step is a swan song ... black swan is a symbol of evil forces, loneliness and death.a holy bird , he is endowed with an unusually pure and majestic beauty, which combines strength and tenderness, passion and spirituality, loyalty and sacrifice.

. Swan song . Swan is a symbol of endless love and enduring faithfulness. And this is what swans, the grace of God, have and only they are available to know secret - the secret of eternal love, which has been given to their loyalty and sacrifice and has been returned spiritual immortality. How to achieve this know only swans with their loyalty and they just sing about it in their swan song. However, a man can understand this song clearly if he learn a swan fidelity.

2. A striking example of respect to this bird British have showed calling the great English playwright William Shakespeare Swan of Avon . He was born and buried in Stratford-on-Avon.

It should be noted that the analyzed English concept has mostly positive connotations,...

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