dying at the Radcliffe library. "/ 21.chapter1.p1 /. - "Тієї осені, коли я навчався на останньому курсі, у мене увійшло в звичку ходити в бібліотеку Редкліффа. "/ 21.chapter1.p1/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see the loss of the word Senior (the student, who graduated the University), but Russian languages ​​is a very rich, and an author show us another translations and change this word into another part of speech, into noun.
"That she was beautiful. And brilliant. That she loved Mozart and Bach. And the Beatles. And me. "/ 21.chapter1.p1 /. - "Що вона була красивою. І розумною. Що любила Моцарта і Баха. І "Бітлз". І мене. "/ 21.chapter1.p1 /. p align="justify"> If we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see no changes in the parts of speech, but translated from English into Russian languages ​​we see some changes in the translations, but the meaning of the sentence was not lost.
"You can stuff any crazy kind of toy into it, but when the holiday s over, they shake you out."/21.chapter6.р56/ . - Він набитий всякими божевільними іграшками. Але коли свято закінчується, тебе витряхівают.../22.chapter6.р13/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see no changes in the parts of speech.
"Only the very nonspecific nature of the talk was glaringly conspicuous."/21.chapter8.р74 /. - Було абсолютно очевидно, що головною теми ми наполегливо уникаємо. /22.chapter8.р18/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see the loss of the word nonspecific, but the meaning of the sentence was not lost. p align="justify"> "Jenny lived on a street called Hamilton Avenue, a long line of wooden houses with many children in front of them, and a few scraggly trees. "/ 21.chapter9.p82 /. - Дженні жила на вулиці під назвою Гамільтон авеню, що представляла собою ряд дерев'яних будинків, перед якими можна було бачити безліч граючих дітей і кілька хирляві дерев. /22.chapter9.р20/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see no changes in the parts of speech. p align="justify"> "I informed Jenny in the simplest possible terms that there would never be reconciliation and would she please let me continue my studying. "/ 21.chapter13.р112 /. - Я поінформував Дженні в примитивнейших виразах, що примирення ніколи не відбудеться, і попросив її люб'язно дозволити мені продовжувати мої заняття. /22.chapter13.р29/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see the loss of the word the simplest, but the meaning of the sentence was not lost.numeral
"Either way I don't come first, which for some stupid reason bothers hell out of me, having grown up with the notion that I always had to be number one. "/ 21.chapter1.р1/- Але в будь-якому випадку я не перший, і це, невідомо чому, чертовски пригнічує мене. З самого...