e English variant and Russian translation languages ​​we can see no changes in the parts of speech. p align="justify"> "That is, Davey Johnston and I were about to perforate their nets. "/ 22.chapter2.р3 /. "Іншими словами, Дейві Джонстон і я вже кілька разів були готові продірявити сітку їхніх воріт. "/ 22.chapter2.р4 /. p align="justify"> If we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see no changes in the parts of speech.
"The crowd expects a protest, no matter how flagrant the offence. The ref waved me off. "/ 21.chapter2.р18 /. - Глядачі несхвально чагарі; деякі гарвардци висловили сумнів з приводу гостроти зору й непідкупності. /22.chapter2.р3/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see verb + noun, but this construction was transformed to the verb. p align="justify"> "One a tall tennis-anyone type, the other a bespectacled mouse type. I opted for Minnie Four-Eyes. "1.chapter.p1 /. - "Одна з них - здоровенне тенісне щось, а друга - з породи очкастий мишей. Я зупинив свій вибір на Мінні - Четирехглазке. "Chapter1.p1/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see verb, but this construction was transformed to the verb + pronoun + noun, it show us how can changes one part of speech into difficult construction (three parts of speech).
"I took three or four steps away from the fans, searching desperately."/21.chapter2.р24 /. - Відійшовши на кілька кроків убік від уболівальників, я почав відчайдушно видивлятися Дженні. /22.chapter2.p5/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see no changes in the parts of speech. p align="justify"> "We were pretty much all alone out there, and it was dark and cold and late."/21.hapter2.р24 /. - Майже всі вже розійшлися, було темно, холодно і дуже пізно. /22.chapter2.р5/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see a verb, but this verb was transformed to other verb, has different translation. The meaning of the sentence loses. p align="justify"> "I was ashamed to look onto the ice, where my worst fears were quickly realized; Cornell scored."/21.chapter3.р28 /. - Мені було соромно дивитися на лід, де вже почали виправдовуватися мої найгірші побоювання: шайба влетіла в наші ворота. /22.chapter3.р6/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see no changes in the parts of speech. p align="justify"> "I supposed no one wanted to see me or speak to me."/21.chapter3.р30 /. - Я вирішив, що вони просто не хотіли бачити мене. /22.chapter3.р7/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see that a verb very rarely changes into another part of speech in the sentences. We met a lot of facts when a verb can changes into an adverb.adjective
"In the fall of my senior year, I got into the habit of stu...