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Реферат Technologies of teaching a foreign language as a second

sentences are from two different people, A and B. Ask, «Who are these two people and what are they talking about?» Give the students a minute or two to discuss it with a partner (make it clear that they should only discuss your question, not attempt to role play the situation yet!). The fact that A and B are housemates, and then explain the situation in more detail: they are not close friends, but they are living together in order to save money. However, lately B has been quite annoyed by some of A's habits. Write these habits on the blackboard, explaining them at the same time :: * plays loud music (all the time!)

* leaves his / her things all over the house (books, clothes, bags, etc on chairs, tables, and even the floor)

* doesn «t pass on messages (if one of B» s friends calls and leaves a message, A never remembers to pass it on)

* never buys food (when they moved in they agreed that A would buy the food one week, B the next week, and so on) who probably starts the conversation. B, of course. Suggest a polite conversation starter, such as:

«Could I have a word with you please?» get the students to role play the situation in pairs. Afterwards, get some feedback from a few pairs. Was the conflict resolved, and if so how? Introduce and drill some phrases for politely disagreeing:

* No offense, but. (I don't like your music)

* I see your point, but. (I have a bad memory)

* I understand your feelings, but. (I can «t concentrate) get the students to swap roles and repeat the activity, making use of the new phrases. It »sa good idea to get them to swap partners too-this should help keep the momentum up. At the end, get more feedback on how their conversations turned out.you intend to ask the students to swap roles and also swap partners before the second round, you should plan it carefully to avoid wasting time. In most of my classes, the desks are arranged in three columns which are each two desks wide, so here is the way I managed it: for the first round, I assigned roles so that everybody on the left-hand desk was A and the others were B (check that everybody knows their role by getting them to put their hands up). Then for the second round, I simply asked all the «A» students to stand up and move to the desk in front of them.


From all above-stated it is possible to draw the following conclusions.

The purpose of this work was to discover the most effective ways of teaching a foreign language to children.achievement of the purpose the works of home and foreign authors on the given problem have been studied.

In formation of interest to a subject the huge role is played by the person of the teacher. Therefore a pledge of successful mastering a foreign language by the pupils is professionalism of the teacher which should in the work not only take into account the methodical principles underlying teaching, but also to be in constant search of new receptions and means of teaching which will recover a lesson, will make it fascinating, cognitive and remembered.most useful for this purpose are the following receptions and methods: methods of constructivism, communicative methods, m...

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