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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Specificity exchange market

Реферат Specificity exchange market

od of segment regression and principal components regression analysis of the multi-step method, etc.). These methods determine the functional dependencies between the individual indicators based on existing number of previous years of data about the state of the commodity markets, and expresses them as a system of equations. Graphical method. When short-term forecasting using graphical analysis, sometimes called Chartism (from the English. Chart - graph). It allows you to assess the dynamics of selected economic indicators to identify similarities in their behavior, in order to determine the nature and the change in the future. This method is mainly used in predicting the quotes in the commodity and stock markets. Proponents of this method is based on the fact that the study of charts of stock prices may provide a sufficiently reliable prediction as to the price of accumulated conjuncture-forming manifestation of all other factors. This forecasting method is acceptable in assessing conditions such markets as the oil, non-ferrous metals, food raw materials. The basis of marketing are integrated marketing studies, including a study of the external marketing environment, the market and consumer motivations and internal marketing environment, the assessment of production and marketing capabilities of the firm, which is building work on the principles of marketing. Such market research allows you to select the optimum market, to carry out planning, an informed, according to the results of market research, foresight, forecast of the market situation and the development of appropriate marketing measures impact on the market in order to ensure the efficiency of business and marketing activities of the company and the implementation of strategic directions entrepreneurship. Market research creates scientifically and practically reasonable basis for making qualified decisions administrative apparatus of the company and its senior management. The criterion for integrated studies of the market is the large number of diverse information, data which are the object of processing, transfer and storage. There are three main sources of information about the market: data on production and business activities of the company and its competitors, the results of special studies and observations, the overall socio-economic indicators of the country, region, etc. Information should be accurate, complete, continuous, accurate and timely.

Comprehensive market research includes the following procedures:

Formation of the needs and demand forecasting;

Collection of data on products, competitors and analyze the competitiveness of enterprises;

Market segmentation and product positioning;

choice of marketing strategy. In the process of comprehensive research of the market is determined by:

The volume of the market, its major trends and seasonal factors;

the potential sale of the input to the market or its products;

the composition of consumers - age and gender, regional, social, family composition and purchasing behavior, consumption patterns, income levels;

buying motives and attitudes that can be used in planning marketing and advertising;

sales of products, their share in the total capaci...

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