he surrounding world.investigation has its purpose: to define the peculiar features of the English proverbs and sayings , denoting the person's emotions.are such tasks as:
) to characterize all the English proverbs and sayings;
) to distinguish the difference between them;
) to define their origination and classification;
) to investigate the proverbs and sayings which denote the emotions;
) to arrange the proverbs and saying according to their expression.subject is the proverbs and sayings of the modern English language.object is the proverbs and sayings, denoting the emotional conditions of a person investigation is lead by analyzing the existing literature of the main linguists of the English lexicology, who discovered a lot of phenomenon about the provebs and saying; the fiction of the English and American writers, using the phraseological units., the proverbs and sayings represent oral folk art, wisdom and life experience accumulated by ages and communicated from mouth to mouth for many generations. They considered to be the most numerous group of stable phrases.to the existing definitions, a proverb represents a brief, stable in the speech figurative speech expression. A saying is a figurative expression existing in the speech for emotional and expressive evaluations. Unlike a proverb, it is a whole judgment, the saying is always a part of thereof.meaning of the English sayings which denote different emotions may be positive, neutral and negative. Each of groups maintains a lot of phraseological units, such as: joyfulness, pleasure, irritation, anger, shame, fear, horror and so on. All of them perform an important role in the giving poetical form to the English language
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