ves the prime responsibility and the father has to take care of the family as a whole, with respect to other aspects, which do not directly pertain to the upbringing of the child.influence the lives of their children in every aspect and leave an impression which remains throughout their lives. For one very common instance, it is but natural that a boy aspires to imitate his father in driving or a daughter desires to acquire the culinary expertise from her mother. The seeds of thought which parents sow in the minds of their wards will go a long way in defining their courses of not to be overlooked that when a child enters this world as a new tenant, its mind remains a tabula rasa. It is the parents who imbue the morals (or otherwise) into their minds. As such, the attitudes of the parents will certainly be reflected in the activities of their children. Therefore, when a child sees the world around it through the eyes of its parents, it is but natural that its world takes up the shape of the perspectives of its parents [14, p. 45]. Could be the sole reason, why parents are required to be role models for their wards and it is indeed their responsibility to see that they set fine standards for their children to grow up, emulate and groom into dignified the popular stereotype, the number of working mothers in the United States isn »t great and has a tendency to decrease. More and more women prefer family work instead of career. However it s difficult to say who stays with children before school-age, because the statistics varies greatly depending on the social, welfare and racial groups. But it s obvious that high number of children is under the care of mothers, Housewives, nurses (babysitters). Otherwise children can visit various kindergartens.noted American sociologist, Dr. David Popenoe, is one of the pioneers of the relatively young field of research into fathers and fatherhood investigated the role of mother and father in child s upbringing. «Fathers are far more than just« second adults » in the home, »he says. «Involved fathers bring positive benefits to their children that no other person is as likely to bring.» Fathers have a direct impact on the well-being of their children. It is important for professionals working with fathers especially in the difficult, emotionally charged arena in which child protective services (CPS) caseworkers operate to have a working understanding of the literature that addresses this impact. Such knowledge will help make the case for why the most effective CPS case plans will involve fathers [14, p. 46]. Of the most important influences a father can have on his child in a pre-school period is indirect - fathers influence their children in large part through the quality of their relationship with the mother of their children. A father who has a good relationship with the mother of their children is more likely to be involved and to spend time with their children and to have children who are psychologically and emotionally healthier. Similarly, a mother who feels affirmed by her children «s father and who enjoys the benefits of a happy relationship is more likely to be a better mother. Indeed, the quality of the relationship affects the parenting behavior of both parents. They are more responsive, affectionate, and confident with their infants; more self-controlled in dealing with defiant toddlers; and better confidants for teenagers seeking advice and emot...