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Реферат Transfer features of newspaper texts

? Атинаспен ти? Ьіз байланисти екендігіне сенеді.different approach was used by E.Nida who suggested that the translating process may be described as a series of transformations:

. The stage of analysis, that is the translator transforms the original structures into the nuclear structures or he transforms within Source Text. p align="justify">. The stage of translation proper, he replaces Source Text nuclear structures with the equivalent structure in Target Text. p align="justify">. The stage of synthesis, e.g. he develops Source Text into the terminal structures in the text information.similar approach as Nida gave can be used to describe the translation of semantic units. It means that the existence of "deep" semantic categories are common to Source Text and Text Text.describing the translating process we can explain the obtained variants as the result of the translator applying one or all these models of action. This doesn't mean that a translation is actually made through the stages suggested by these models. There are not, however, just abstract schemes. In training we as translators should use these models as practical tools.example, He is a poor sleeper the translator sees that the attributive of group can not be translated into Kazakh as "кедей". These translation problems can be solved with the help of contextual substitutes.example, "I hate that dress, I would not be caught dead wearing anything else." Мен ол до? йлекті? натпаймин. Сол ся? Ти до? Йлектерді еш? Ашан да кімеспін. "p align="justify">. A direct translation is hardly possible in rare cases, we may use direct translation.example, John took Mary by hand, Джон Меріді? ? Олинан? Стадію. p align="justify">. Involves transformations in grammar :) Negation in Source Text is positiveness in Target Text.example. We cannot help laughing when we hear funny stories. Біз? Изи? Ти?? Гімелерді естіген кезде до? Лкіміз келеді.) Inversion-change of word-order.example, Could you give the answer when you get this letter? ' Б? Л. хатти ал? ан кезде ма? ан жауабин айта аласиз ба?) The changing of Active voice into Passive or vice versa.example, He was invited to the meeting. Они жіналис? А ша? Ирди. Invitation cards must be sent tomorrow. Ша? Иру білеттері ерте? жіберілуі Керек. We must send invitation cards tomorrow. Біз ша? Иру білеттерін ерте? жіберуіміз Керек.

. Delimination and conjunction of sentences.example, Mr. Manson slung his bag up and climbed into a battered gig behind a tall, angular black horse. Містер Менсон ауир ж? Гін гарба? ? Асина жа? Индатип? Ойип, сода? Лсіз? Ара атти? ? Стіне лезде мінді. p align="justify">. The integration procedure - the opposite translation process to the IV one. Sometimes this procedure is grammatically incomplete. Because the translator makes mistakes in keeping the content.example, It is impossible to do the work in two days. Nor it is necessary. Єгер б? Л ж? М...

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