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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

ollege of translation which in 1944 is a part of university of Montreal is looked for. In 1945 Platon - the president of College of translation - represents at philological faculty of University of Montreal the dissertation first in Canada about translation. [23, p. 27].

its have published entitled «Transposition and type of translation». But, as will write about it of its colleague, Platon thought after itself not one work, it has created tradition, which continues in works of its disciples and on activity of the college created by it. To 70th training to translation is developed countrywide. The most fruitful it appears in provinces Quebec and also where preparation of translators gets special scope. Now in these provinces it is concentrated 75% of universities of the country leading training of translators. Almost at all universities of these provinces programs on training open to translation, new teaching materials are developed. Textbooks also protect dissertations under the theory of translation. Z.Denil cites following statistical data: with 1968 on 1984 Every year any new program of training opened To translation, each two years - the new program of a level of the bachelor And each four years - a level of the master. [23, p. 28]. Preparation of translators is carried out at 11 Canadian universities. These are the basic educational establishments where preparation on the given speciality is conducted, multilevel curriculums are developed. Training to translation assumes six levels of preparation accordingly and diplomas which are shown in three cycles: the first cycle of training allows to receive the certificate (le certificat) the bachelor «s degree of the first degree (la mineure), as well as the bachelor »s degree of the second degree (la majeure) or the bachelor-expert (le baccalaureat specialise); the second cycle assumes reception of the diploma about higher education (le diplome d «etudes supericun the diploma of the master (la maitrise); the third cycle brings to reception of a doctor» s degree (le doctorat)., as it is marked in the new report of Branch committee of the Canadian industry of translators, experts-translators with university diplomas cannot provide completely demand for the given activity yet. At annual release of 300 and 320 translators with diplomas of the bachelor-expert and the master accordingly the demand for experts of the given qualifications is made annually by 360 and 400 person. The usual bachelors, who are not having special preparation, cannot compete to professionals any more. The raised demand from businessmen on the licensed experts-translators shows how much has increased in a society a level of that understanding, that in translation professionalism is necessary, that translation is not simply mechanical recurrence of that has been already told or written up to that, and the most complicated process of interlingual the intermediaries, requiring solid vocational training. This position puts before universities new problems in preparation of qualified personnel in the field of translation. The interesting form of preparation of professionals-translators accepted at some universities (the University of Ottawa and University «Concordia» in Montreal), a little reminding system of preparation of engineers existed in a soviet-era and factories-high schools, is the program «combined educating-(programme cooperatif) when training alternates with practical work.of pro...

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