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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

fessional translators has demanded development of such curricula in which the general disciplines and disciplines special harmoniously would mesh. The big merit of the Canadian teachers is a rational area of ??expertise in training translators. In the beginning of 70th one of the most outstanding Canadian researchers in the field of history and theories of translation, wrote: «the Problem of the translator - to translate the text from-one language in another, trying as far as possible to pass the message which it contains. But as well to translate, it is needed to know area of ??translation. It is impossible to require of the translator, that it was the walking encyclopedia, the trade of the translator, similarly too many assumes some area of ??expertise. Therefore there are art translators, technical, legal, translators of advertising, etc. »[33, p. 75]. So, the curriculum of preparation of the expert in the field of translation on 1999/00 at University Lavalja (Quebec) alongside with the block of mandatory disciplinesprovides the block of disciplines special-purpose, including such janr-thematic differences translational activity, as commercial translation, biological, sociological, medical, legal, and art.University of Montreal where training to translation is conducted now at faculty of arts and special-purpose rates of translation (scientific and technical, commercial and economic, legal and administrative, medical and pharmacological , as well as art translation, translation in a cinema, translation in area of ??the information) mesh with rates of studying of sublanguages ??of separate specialities (language of commerce and economy, language of the right and dialogue, language of medicine and pharmacology, etc .).

.2 «Genre» specialization

«genre» area of ??expertise is distinctly shown and in the environment of professional translators. The list of branches to which those or other professional translators carry themselves, officially recognized translators of Quebec consisting in Board made by a «genre» principle, shows very interesting picture. All «market» of work of translators is divided into following areas of socioeconomic activity:

) art and the literature;

) the communications;

) economy, a policy, management;

4) the right;

) technics and the industry;

) the humanities;

) tourism and entertainments. [34, p. 101-194]., Each of these branches is subdivided into fineer areas of the appendix of work of translators. So, the branch «right» includes such thematic areas, as the commercial right, criminal law, the immigrant right, international law, constitutional right, a notariate, the labour right. In total in the list it is named about 200 thematic areas as which professional translators of Quebec rank them., The Canadian teachers and theorists of translation for a long time have answered for themselves a question which quite often arises in Russia and in other countries when it is a question about training the translator to speak is better - the translator of the wide structure possessing fundamental linguistic preparation, common cultural knowledge and having an idea about methodology of translational activity, but unfamiliar with a specific character of the speech communications in specific social and economic area, or to shape translators of experts of the most various trades, training in their foreign ...

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