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Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

and in character of translated materials. Terms which are used at classification, are not always successful, but the author in sufficient detail opens their content. V.N. Komissarov »s opinion« T. Sevori allocates following types of translation:

The perfect translation - translation of cleanly information phrases-announcements.

Adequate translation - translation of subject works where the content and as it is expressed is important only, insignificantly. In this type of translation the translator freely lowers words or the whole offers, which sense it seems to it unclear, will paraphrase sense of the original as to it will like. (T. Sevori believes, that so detectives, books Dyuma, Bokkacho, as well as, strangely enough, Servantes and L. Tolstoy should translate.)

The third type of translation which are not receiving the special name, is a translation of classical works where the form as is important, as well as a content. The qualitative characteristic of this type of translation is given by the indication that not maybe «accomplished» and that it requires so long time and such major efforts that it brings to nothing commercial value of translation.

The fourth type of translation is defined as close to «adequate». It is translation of scientific and technical materials, whose occurrence is caused by a practical indispensability. It requires good knowledge the translator of subject matter about whom there is a speech in the original [32, p. 6]., That the essence of translation always reduces to a choice, T. Sevori specifies, that at a choice the translator should answer 3 questions consistently:

) That the author has told?

) that it wished to tell it?

) How do you say it? , T. Sevori alongside with content and the form of the original allocates as object of translation and that now would name communicative intention of the author.and their labor engage a essential hole in translation theory: in current years translation studies has been more and more sketch attention to their vital intervention. Skopos theory is a case in top. In spite of the reality that the outgoing point of translation behavior is the middle preoccupation of this come up to, Hans Vermeer has brought attention to the amount of liberty, on the one hand, and of liability, on the other hand, bears on language mediators (Vermeer 1998: 54). Translators are presented as experts who ought to aim and realize those strategies which allow them to get their purpose, ie their scopes. This column of consideration takes translators to the centre of the phase, and yet it involves a certain total of risk too: the concept of accountability is the other side of the coin, as translators might be considered answerable for the consequences of their performance. Thus, it is no accident that proper debates are successful in translation studies

3. Prospects of the theory of translation development

.1 Schools in Canada

th of 20 century are regarded as a decade of teaching has got hoarse. Educational institutions on preparation of translators existed in Canada and before. At University of Ottawa for professional translators have started to prepare in 1934 the Pioneer translation in Montreal there wasGeorge Panton, the person from mind and the rare general culture, passionately keen the literature and art. In January, 1942 under its initiative the C...

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