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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Ефективність використання англійської літератури в курсі домашнього читання для формування культурно-комунікативної компетенції учнів

Реферат Ефективність використання англійської літератури в курсі домашнього читання для формування культурно-комунікативної компетенції учнів

am said he was sure that:

1. His secretary had killed himself

2. A woman who was in love with his secretary had killed him

3. An unknown man had killed him by mistake.

Professor Coram said that in the cupboard there were:

1. Some copies of his new book

2. Papers and letters from his poor wife

3. Jewels and money

Sherlock Holmes said that he found the answer to this case:

1. In the garden

2. In the study

3. In the professor's room

Holmes guessed that the lady was:

1. Behind the bookshelves

2. Under the professor's big bed

3. In a secret place under the floor

The lady told the detectives that:

1. The professor was a Russian revolutionary who had helped the police to send others to prison

2. Mr. Smith was Alexis, a Russian revolutionary

3. Mr. Smith had worked as a policeman in Russia

The lady needed the documents:

1. To put her husband to prison

2. To publish them as a book

3. To free Alexis

Додаток 4

each of the following sentences and see whether you remember the story.

1. Professor Coram had a big white beard but near to his mouth it was ............... and ................

2. He said" Smoking is one of the few things that makes me ..................

. I noticed that Holmes was smoking quickly -........................ than he usually did.

. I will say this only to you and nobody else, because it's not a ......................

. The professor looked pleased when Holmes said this, and said, Yes, I am tired. Please do not come here until ............. I want to be alone.

. Susan told him that Mr. Smith .................. to the village in the morning, not long before he was killed.

. Holmes put out his hand to take one, but he ................................... the table and all the cigarettes fell on the floor.

. I am sure you are not ..............., Mr. Holmes. This is an important case. Smith is dead. Please do not be .............

9. It was a new key with .................. and it made a mark on the brass lock of the door.

. If she wanted to kill someone she would have .......................

. We all looked at the shelves that he was pointing to. We saw nothing but books. Then ..........................................

. She looked at him angrily, and continued, Why do you want to live? Your ............................

. We were revolutionaries. We were fighting to make our country a better place. We decided to ........................ We wanted to show people that we were strong.

. My husband told the police ....................... He got the money. All the other revolutionaries were caught.

. She looked at the professor very angrily, and said, Yes, he is in prison, and you are free. You ...............................

. I knew that if the government in Russia saw the letters, they would know that Alexis had tried to stop us killing the policeman. Then they would ......................

. My husband was frightened and angry when he saw me. He said he would .........................

. She fell to the ground. Quickly Holmes bent over her. He took a small bottle from her hand; it was empty. He said, She is dead, Watson. She .....................................

Додаток 5

Тема: «The Golden Glasses» (обговорення)

Практична мета: обговорити прочитаний розповідь; завершити роботу з прислів'ями.

Етапи урокаСодержаніе урокаДействія учітеляДействія ученіковНачало урокаОрганізаціонний момент Мовленнєва зарядкаT - Cl Запитує по черзі слова і вирази з прочитаного проізведеніяT - Cl ОтвечаютОсновной етапПроверка домашнього завдання (стор. 166 № 1,2) Робота з текстом: - стор. 167 № 6 - стор. 167 № 7 - стор. 163 № 3 - стор. 164 № 4 - стор. 165 № 5 - стор. 166 № 6 - стор. 168 № 2 - складання анотації до розповіді Робота з пословіцам...

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