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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of the company &Turboatom&

Реферат Comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of the company &Turboatom&

lobal economic downturn;

Regional characteristics of the labor market (moving production facilities to regions with lower labor costs);

Public (government) program, orders, contracts (according to the latest enterprise must create new jobs);

Legal aspects (laws, agreements with trade unions and so on.) Regulating labor relations, protecting the interests of certain groups of the population and workers;

Possibility to use temporary hiring workers home work. Turboatom consists of the following categories:

Table 4.2

категорії2010 рік2011 рікНепромісловій персонал198200Службовці18301923Погодинники16001658Відрядники13101326

. 2 Assessment System employment potential enterprise and wages

Effective development and operation of industrial plant based on the rationale of targets, monitoring their performance, an objective assessment of the results. Manufacturing activity is a complex process and combines both traditional (supply, production, sales, engineering, technology, etc.) and specific (change of ownership, the introduction of innovative, information technology and investment) components.trends shaping potential of the company based on the industrial and social aspects of development. Industrial aspect defines a key factor in the development of technical and technological base of production, and social - social and labor. National wealth is created directly labor of its citizens, because labor is attributed to one of the main factors of the economy., The base component of capacity building modern enterprise is a staff enterprise management concept which is in close relationship and interdependence with the expansion internally branded markets reinzhyrinhom industrial and economic activities, the transition to new management principles, the development of computer and telecommunications software management processes workforce.

The economic essence of the labor potential of society is he speaking in the form of the active labor force creates the material and spiritual values, as well as the potential labor force - able to produce them. This important conclusion - a society interested in the maximum proportion of the labor potential employed in socially useful work, because it increases the gross domestic product (GDP) and national income (NI), which finally gives the opportunity to improve quality of life.social nature of labor potential is that it provides opportunities to individuals and different social groups assert themselves in society and secure society and legitimate source of income.potential, as a set of opportunities employees actively or passively participate in the production process within a specific organizational structures including logistic, technological, information and other resources, is a complex structural socio-economic formation that contains a number of components (Picture 12)

12 Structure of labor potential.

The structure of the labor potential is the ratio of different demographic, social, functional, professional and other characteristics of groups of workers and the relationship between them, based on mobility and flexibility, the ability to quick adjustment , and can be considered as a parameter that is determined by continuously changes within the same employees and the technological mode of production, show the ratio of the sources of extensive and intensive growth of the labor potential. The cumulative impact of external and internal factors specified in the options macro (labor supply, the number of working-age population and their educational level) and determine the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the workforcearacteristics of the labor potential up components like health, morality and ability to work in teams, creativity, activity, organization, education, professionalism, resources working time.employment potential can be considered in three levels: labor potential human potential group (company), the potential of society. All are interrelated, but not overlap. The basis of the labor potential of society is the potential of the individual. Human potential is a measure embodied in human skills, talent, education, skills and ability of these qualities generate income.employment potential of the organization is a complex, dynamic, open system, which is part of the labor potential of society. But the employment potential of the organization is not a simple sum of the labor potential employees - because union workers in the team gives the effect of collective labor, or senerhychnyy effect. It varies with the development of educational and professional level of personnel and their quantitative composition (turnover, their reduction or inc...

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