s of all of the bank; - level is effectively used and of equity ka capital; - the coefficient of the bank's ownership.risk - the ability of financial assets operators arr, swiftly and schatsya in cash. The largest and most famous of Producers and banks whose shares are traded on central exchanges, have the lowest risk of this kind. Small firms same - neoplasms ized, venture capital - more dangerous in this rel about shenii. In this case, special attention should be paid to the choice of mediation and Cove. The main types of financial intermediaries, the specifics of their rights and obligations bilities have a big impact on the business activity of banks Cove. S right in their boron affects all kinds of risks.risk associated with changes in stock prices and their yields Stu tech at schim and expected interest on the bonds, expected by E dividend rate and additional profit caused by general market fluctuations. It combines the risk of changes in interest rates, the risk that the overall market prices and inflation risk tion. Lends itself quite accurate prediction, as the tightness of St. I link (correlation) between the exchange rate and stock market conditions common in reg lar and fairly reliably recorded difference h governmental stock indices.risk does not depend on market conditions and the specifics of a particular company is banking. It can be branches left and financial. On with new factors that have influence on the level of non-systemic briefcase s rate risk, are the availability of alternative spheres of (investment) f and financial resources, commodity and stock market conditions ry n Cove and others.of systemic and non-systemic risk is the risk and invest Nations.market risk of falling pricesmarket risk of falling prices - is the risk of forgone income and so on to kim or financial assets. It is most commonly associated with a fall in prices for all tion of the market b inverting Mr. Tse ITATION paper at the same same time.countries with developed market economies, there are firms s - e whether observers (for example, «Standard End Puers»), which are constantly analyzing the level of portfolio risk of various securities.can definitely maintains that shares of private firms and joint-stock enterprises riskier than government bonds. State No. of those theoretically and practically can not go broke because of its income on debt guaranteed by all the treasure of the country. At the same time negosuda p respectively, and to the joint stock and venture enterprises are more flexible, efficient, although the level of bankruptcy is higher.risk - the risk that defined life cycle reflects scrap ley. The main factors affecting the development of the industry next e following :) reorientation of the economy, due to the overall economic stability and nest in the world, in certain regions, countries, markets, market segments n there, niches and windows, on the one hand, the rising cost of resources with others in goy ;) any depletion of resources ;) changes in demand in the domestic and world markets tion of marketing ;) general historical development of civilization.riskrisk, or the risk of default of debt, to the same extent as applies to banks, and to their customers and can be promsh lennym (related to the probability of e th decline in production and / or demand for products u uw with whether certain reflection); risk settlement and poctavok due to failure for some reason the contract s relationship, the risk that...