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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Intensification of learning a foreign language using computer technology

Реферат Intensification of learning a foreign language using computer technology

esearch, we have used the following methods :

· theoretical (analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature);

· diagnostic (questionnaire poll, testing, talk, written test);

· observational (direct and indirect pedagogical observation);

· experimental method (statement, formation and test);

· method of statistical inference.is divided into 3 stages.first stage is a search-theoretical. During this stage we study problems of usage of new computer technologies in the process of teaching English, resting upon literature on methodology, psychology, theory of pedagogics; we analyze theoretical bases of personality-oriented education and method of projects, their usage in the process of teaching English; we reveal new computer technologies requirements, which provide development of linguistic and communicative competence and rise in motivation of pupils.second stage refers to research. We approbate a pedagogical experiment: research of results of the usage of computer technologies during the process of teaching; analyze and generalize this experience.third stage is making a conclusion. We finish forming experiment, analyze our experience and summarize our results. The theoretical part of our research is based on works and articles of Zimniya, Kuklina, Mishina, Polat, Teplova, Nehorosheva, Bim, Turkina etc.significance consists in theoretical substantiation of methodics of teaching English with the help of computer technologies.importance of our research consists in work out a complex of lessons and methodological recommendations for organization lessons of foreign language, using computer method of projects.

1. Theoretical foundation devoted to the usage of new information technologies in the teaching of the English language

1.1 Informational Computer Technologies as a mean of development of cognitive activity of pupils according to the conditions of new context of education

The beginning of the third millennium is characterized as a transition to the «information society», having the new structure, in which the decisive role is played by industries related to the receipt, distribution and processing of information [1; 51]. This transition is connected with the new «technological revolution», which is characterized by generalized computerization and informatization of society.the dynamic development of information society the development of human resources is necessary that can meet the requirements of the information age through education and lifelong learning to meet the growing demand for professionals in the field of information technology [2; 86]. That s why it s necessary to pay greater attention to basic education, acquired in secondary institutions.can t deny that information changes, which we face nowadays, are global. Moreover, it s obvious that there is a necessity of reconsideration of approaches to education as a whole system.development of pedagogics, its freedom from stereotypes and innovative orientation require creative integration of up-to-date methods. Informatization of system of education is a process which provides this field with theory and practice of usage of new computer technologies. The matter is that they are oriented on realization of psychological and pedagogical goals of teachinguse of new technologies in the educational process not only improves the performance level of digestibility of material by students, but also develops their knowledge of the potential of emerging information technologies.of the most effective areas of usage of information technologies are lessons of foreign languages.it, we can t keep from mentioning that citizens of Kazakhstan should know 3 languages. This is dictated by the necessity and it was repeatedly told by the president of the republic N. Nazarbaev. According to his words, it s very difficult to speak about genuine competitiveness of the nation if its representatives don t know English. He says that multilingualism is a norm for Europe and we should also come to such norm. For example, one of the most important factors which led to economic success of Japan, India, Singapore, Malaysia was widespread public knowledge of English.main purpose of learning English is the formation and development of the communicative culture of students, teaching practical English language. In this sense, the main task of the teacher is selecting the most effective teaching methods that permit the realization of individual and differentiated approach to learning, taking into account the capacities of children, their level of training, inclinations, etc. [3; 65] .trends of globalization, global integration in various fields of e...

Назад | сторінка 2 з 29 | Наступна сторінка

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