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Реферат The theory and practice of antimonopoly regulation

good theory and practice work together in Russia.are some figures in Russia I would like to mention. First of all, it is Igor Artemiev, who occupies the post of the head of Federal Antimonopoly Service in Russia. Other important people are A. Tsarikovsky, who is responsible for control over the placement of state orders, the fight against cartels, control of market housing, construction and natural resources; A. Golomolzin - control of the energy, information technology, transport and communications markets; A. Kashevarov - control of social services and commerce, industry and defense industry, financial markets and advertising; P. Subbotin - control over authorities and the coordination of regional offices of FAS Russia; P. Tsiganov - control over agriculture and chemical industries, control of foreign investment, international economic cooperation. There are few authors whom I would like to distinguish from other: Gryaznova AG, Yudanov AU, Nikiforov A.is important to divide 2 concepts: object of research and subject of research. Object of research is a large, relatively independent part of the object area in which the subject of study is located. Subject of research is particular part of the object. In other words, the object of study is a broader concept than the subject. Here, the object of research is the monopoly and their regulation, which results in antitrust policy of the state. The subject of research is consideration of issues of competition law and possible solutions, identifying sources of antitrust issues, the main trends of the antimonopoly legislation by analyzing existing legislation taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian economy.essay includes front page, content, introduction , main body, conclusion and bibliography. In the introduction I clearly and concisely describe the main aspects of the work. There are 2 chapters in the main body; the first chapter contains 2 paragraphs and is devoted to the theoretical part. In the chapter 1 I consider antitrust regulation, looking at it from the theoretical side of the question. Chapter 2 is devoted to the practical approach to the antitrust regulation in Russia: methods, legislation, and tendencies. In conclusion I summarize information from the whole essay and briefly explain the recent situation in Russia. Bibliography contains list of books I used in this essay, there are both textbooks and articles. br/>

1. Concept of antitrust regulation

.1 The necessity of antitrust regulation

economy cannot be effective without the active role of the state. For the state the classic features always retained such as: freedom of entrepreneurship, stimulating business activity and the fight against monopolistic tendencies. The scope of state regulation of its specific forms and methods vary considerably across countries. They reflect the history and tradition, the size of the country, and many other factors. The tasks of the state are connected not only with the creation of conditions for the functioning of the market, but also with the struggle against the monopolization of the market. Determining the direction of state regulation, we are talking about the economy being in a state of transition, which happened in a protracted crisis, largely bearing the non-classical, unconventional character. It is associated with rupture of the deep relations of reproduction in the economy, with the development of production decline in the destruction of the economic structures. The central issue of state regulation is a problem of development of socio-economic transformation in a country with a clear definition of the ultimate goals, priorities, and milestones. The system of state regulation of the economy that has developed in all industrialized countries, as a mandatory element provides the creation of favorable conditions for the development of competitive environment in the market of goods and services. Antitrust regulation is the most important part of state economic policy in all countries with developed market economies. Antitrust regulation is a purposeful state activity carried out on the ground and to the extent permitted by applicable law, to establish and implement rules of economic activity in the commodity markets in order to protect fair competition and ensuring the effectiveness of market relations.involves a number of negative consequences for the economy. Underproduction, overpriced, inefficient production are only tip of the iceberg of monopolistic abuse. The same reasons make clients of firms-monopolies to put up with high prices, forcing them to agree with the poor quality of the product, its obsolescence, lack of service and other forms of neglecting of the interests of consumers. Anyway, they have no choice. The monopoly blocks the market mechanism of self-regulating, which is another danger. Poor and expen...

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