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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Англійська мова

Реферат Англійська мова

іть слово, найбільш відповідне для даної пропозиції

1. The United Kingdom is divided into 650 parliamentary .... constituencies

. A candidate who gets less than 5% of the total loses his .... deposit

. A person who has been unfairly treated by the central government can ... to his/her local MP.

a. complain

4, It's impossible for MPs to help people and to try to make sure their rights under the law are not ...

b. violated

. Побудуйте пропозиції, використовуючи текст

1. British elections/fought/political parties/not.

British elections are usually fought between political parties, not individuals.

2. Candidate/put down/pounds/signatures/residents/to stand.

A candidate has only to put down a deposit of 500 pounds and collect ten signatures from residents in the constituency where he wants to stand.

3. Represent/in/constituency/people/voted.

MPs represent everyone in the constituency, not just the people who voted for them.

4. There/hundreds/to deal/day-to-day/constituency/life.

There are hundreds of things MPs have to deal with in the day-to-day business of constituency life, such as housing or health care.

5. Parliament/have/paid/since.

Members of Parliament have been paid salaries since 1911.

4. Визначте, які з наступних висловлювань є правильними чи неправильними

1. People who want to be elected to Parliament need to be nominated by three political parties. - False

2. A candidate who gets less than 5 per cent of the total votes loses his deposit. - True

. MPs represent people who voted for them. - False

. MPs try to make sure their rights under the low are not violated. - True

. Anyone who feels that he has been unfairly treated by the central government can complain to the Queen. - False

. Many MPs insist that they need to have outside earnings. - True

5. Побудуйте питальні пропозиції, до яких наступні фрази могли б бути відповідями...

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