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Реферат The concept and feature of literary translation

lved on the basis of transfer of the original as the whole on which background separate elements are reproduced in compliance with the role.of properties of the fiction, it from other products of a book word, its semantic capacity is distinguishing. It is shown in ability of the writer to tell more, than speaks direct sense of words in their set, in its skill to force to work both ideas, and feelings, and imagination of the reader. The semantic capacity of a literary work is shown or in forms of realistic typification, or in allegorical meaning, or in the general diversity of art speech.more characteristic feature of fiction is a strongly pronounced national painting of the maintenance and the form. It is important as well close communication between historical conditions and images of product reflecting it. On all these features, characteristic for fiction, also the individual manner of the writer comes to light.of a question on translation of fiction is defined by a variety of speech styles, plurality of the lexical and grammatical elements subject to transfer and demanding functional conformity in language of translation. There is also an acute problem of the language form, the language nature of an image and art - semantic function of language categories in studying art translation.of fiction are based on language categories, and communication between them is close and direct. It distinguishes fiction from the literature of the scientific, business documentation, the newspaper information where the language form serving for expression of concept, plays less active role or is neutral. In fiction the language form can enter extremely active interaction with the maintenance of an image or all system of images, causing character of their judgement.fiction the choice of the word being on the material sense a full synonym to corresponding word of modern national language and distinguished from last only by the lexical painting can play the big semantic and expressive role. It grows out accessories to the certain layer of dictionary structure (to number of archaisms, dialecticisms, loans). However in stylistic painting much is made very much - for example, author's irony, irony of the character in relation to itself or to other character, historical color, the instruction on local features in an image of a character, etc.of archaisms concerns to number of difficult problems and in general speaking another language (in relation to the text of the original) words by which in language of translation direct formal conformity with the same stylistic function or conformity can be not always found on the basis of other formal category. translational difficulty do not cause separate retorts meeting in some literary works on foreign (in relation to the original) language, the whole speaking another language offers, word-combinations or syntactic the detached words. They - just by virtue of their isolability - can be easily transferred in t...

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