he text of translation without any changes and can be explained in the interlinear note. Complication can arise only while translating on that language from which the given words or phrases are taken. p align="justify">
Lexical aspects of literary translation In the theory of translation the question on adequacy is developed rather deeply. Adequate it is possible to count translation in which the maintenance and expressive-stylistic features of the original is completely transferred. For preservation in translation of all features of the original it is necessary to take into account the distinctions existing between two languages.lexical conformity can be divided into two basic groups: equivalents and alternative conformity.are words which values ​​always coincide in both languages, irrespective of a context. But with equivalent value it is not enough such words. Here concern: terms, own names and place names.other lexical conformity will be alternative, ie to one word of the English language there will correspond some values ​​of Russian word, for example:
- supply
1) запас, загальна кількість товару на ринку;
) пропозиція;
) постановка, постачання;
) (тех.) харчування (струмом) та ін
In such cases a choice of value are defined by a context. The context can serve narrow - within the limits of a word-combination or the offer
S.T. - Demand and supply
T.T. - Попит і пропозиція;
S.T. - Direct supplies
T.T. - Прямі поставки. p align="justify"> S.T. - The supply of raw materials is exhausted.
T.T. - Запаси сировини вичерпані
The context happens wide when the word meaning can be understood, only having read the whole paragraph, page, or even clause or the book.in language there are no conformity; in such cases resort to loan of words with the help of a transliteration or a transcription, and also tracing (tracing is a translation of a word or a word-combination in parts):
S.T. - Авіаносець
T.T. - Aircraft carrier;
S.T. - Літаючі тарілки
T.T. - Flying saucers.
With the help of a tracing-paper realities and neologisms are transferred.it is impossible to transfer a word meaning to any of the above mentioned ways, resort to descriptive translation or give the note or a footnote. , a combination
політика цін і доходів переводиться як incomes policy.
In the English combination there is only a word
Incomes - доходи.