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Реферат Is teaching an art or is it a science?

age systems

. Teaching Language skillsLanguage systems - what we know, ie up-in-the-head knowledge.systems - Phonology, Lexis or vocabulary, Grammar, Function, Discourseskills - what we do with language. There are four important language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing., Listening are receptive skills (we receive information but do not produce)., Writing are productive skills (we produce received information)., Educational aim is to present the students the system of the foreign language they study and make them use their knowledge in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.aim - to get acquainted with the life, culture and tradition of countries which language you study.aim - to learn a language for communication. To develop communicative competence of students is the main aim of teaching and learning. Thus the leading role belongs to what aims? - To practical aims, because the others can only be achieved through the practical command of the foreign language. The purpose of learning a language is usually to enable you to take part in exchanges of information: talking with friends, reading instructions on a package of food, understanding directions, writing a note to a colleague. So to achieve all the aims we should teach language systems and language skills together, otherwise your Ss will know grammar perfectly and have a large stock of vocabulary but fail to communicate and express their thoughts in a foreign language.

) Content of teachingare three main components of what to teach to make students speak in a foreign language:

> psychological component: habits and skills which Ss should acquire while learning a FL. They are listening, speaking, reading, writing; the level of habits and skills is determined by the syllabus for each form. p align="justify">> linguistic component:

. language material (sentence-patterns, pattern - dialogues, texts, topics); For example, at the elementary level Ss should speak and read about school, home, town, sports. In the senior stage they discuss history and geography, traditions and customs of the country whose language they study. p align="justify">. linguistic material (phonology, grammar, vocabulary);

> methodological component: the techniques which students should acquire to learn the foreign language in the most effective way ie Ss should be taught how to learn and memorize words, how to use this or that grammar item in reading, writing and speaking.content of teaching is given in the syllabus and realized in teaching materials ie teacher s books, Ss books, various audio-visual materials (pictures, objects, films, CDs).

) Methods and techniques of teachingmore question to solve is how to teach a foreign language to attain the aims in the m...

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