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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Gender and age peculiarities of the language and some linguistic difficulties of translation them in practice

Реферат Gender and age peculiarities of the language and some linguistic difficulties of translation them in practice

he beneficiary of the communication act, in other words the person (s) to whom the information contained in the message is addressed. Since the sender has to convey a message, and the transmission is to take place on the basis of a system of signs (a code), the first thing the sender has to do is to encode or codify his message, in other words to render the contents of the message by means of the signs of the respective code (the language). The next stage is obviously represented by the transmission of the message proper, which can be achieved in several ways (depending of the type of communication; eg written or oral). Once the message reaches the recipient, the process should unfold in the opposite direction. That is, the message gets to the recipient in an encoded form so that the recipient has to decode it and grasp its meaning.

The novelty of the study . Novelty of the diploma work is that it adds some details to what was studied before. This theme is actual for today and will always be. Many linguists are interested in the peculiarities of gender linguistics. Due to the analysis which is used in this diploma work to determine the women s language and men s language to reveal their differences and dominance.

The subject of the study is peculiarities of the women s and men s language and the linguistic behavior of men and women across languages.

The purpose of this diploma paper is the study of lexical and morphological differences of the women s and men s language, grammatical forms of verbs according to the sex of the speaker. English language gradually becomes one of the most widely used languages ??in the world. There are large numbers of students in institutions of higher and further education who are learning English for many purposes: as the medium of the literature and culture of English-speaking countries; for access to scholarly and technological publications; to qualify as English teachers, translators, or interpreters; to improve their chances of employment or promotion in such areas as tourist trade, international progammes for economic or military aid. In countries where it is a second language, English is commonly used as the medium for higher education, at least for scientific and technological subjects.

Advantage of this diploma paper is that it will be useful both to teachers, and to students. In teaching activity it can be applied in studying of such courses as practical course of translation, theoretical course of translation, practicum on culture of speech communication, etc. The analysis made in this diploma work will help to predict mistakes while speaking, will help to practical exercises for development of skills of linguistics.

The main task is to reveal peculiarities of the women s and men s language, find similarities and differences between the women s form and men s form of speaking, to define difficulties which encounter the students while reading and analyzing the texts, which are necessary to overcome, and also to study the theoretical basis of English linguistics in order to understand the structure of Modern English language.

The structure of the degree work . The present diploma work consists of the introduction, two chapters, the conclusion and bibliography.


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