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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Legal regulation of guard of lands of housing and public building

Реферат Legal regulation of guard of lands of housing and public building

ording to the national legislation and their competence), which provide realization of the corresponding concepts, programs, in the spheres, adequate to the nature, scales and features of the city. Thus, for instance, one of the activities on guard of lands and public building in the city is the Decision of the Odessa City Council About confirmation of the Program of social-economic development of the city of Odessa for the year +2007 from April 5, 2 007 No.1122-V [5]. Among the directions of development of land relations in the city during the year 2007 the Program specified inventory of the lands of the city, reinforcement of self-controlled checking, for guard and use of the lands within the city. The city target program of undertaking inventory of priority array lands of the city of Odessa will decide questions on revealing the lands, which are not used, or are used irrationally, or are used not on target purpose; on revealing polluted lands and others.main requirement of effectiveness of imperatives on guard of lands of the cities is the complex of environmental activities. Complex presentation about particularities in legal guard of lands and public building is formed by generalization of housing, sanitary medical and other special legislations. Thus, the Law of Ukraine About bases of city construction from November 16, 1992, the Law of Ukraine About planning and building of territories from April 20, 2000; State sanitary rules of planning and occupying settlements, confirmed by order of the Ministry of health care of Ukraine No. 173 from June 19, 1 996 and others.the same time the Law of Ukraine About protection of environment contains the complex of ecological requirements to construction, reconstruction and improvement [6]. Thus, Article 51 of the Environmental Law stipulates the position that at designing, accommodation, construction, introduction to action of new and reconstruction of acting enterprises, buildings and other object, as well as in the process of operating of these objects there should be provided ecological safety of the people, rational use of natural resources and prevention of harmful influence on environment.of economic and other activity should have the criteria of estimation of their influence on environment and health of the people. Such estimation is realized on account of requirements of environmental legislation, ecological capacity of the given territory, condition of environment in the city, in which accommodations of objects is planned, ecological prognosis, prospects of social-economic development of the region, powers and kinds of total influence of harmful factors and objects, on environment.in to action of enterprises, buildings and other objects, on which there is not provided execution of all ecological requirements and performance of activities, provided in projects on construction and reconstruction, is forbidden by the environmental Law.concrete requirements to city construction are stipulated in Article 59 of the Ecological Laws, especially devoted to accommodation and development of settlements. It provides that planning, accommodation, building and development of settlements, is realized on decision of local councils on the account of ecological capacity of territories, performing requirements of protection of environment, rational use of natural resources and ecological safety.development of general plans of development and accommodation of settlements, village, city councils install the mode of use of natural resources, protection of environment and ecological safety, in country and greenbelts on consultation with Councils, on whose territory they are accommodated. Herewith the definition of the notion of ecological safety is fixed in Article 50 of the Environmental Law. It (ecological safety) is such condition of environment, at which there is provided warning of deterioration of ecological situation and danger for health of the people.of guard of lands in the process of city construction activities are fixed in Article 48 of the Law of t Ukraine About guard of lands [7], and according to its positions territorial development and public building within settlements, as well as construction of objects of engineering-transport infrastructure is realized on account of requirements of the rational use of lands. Thus, accommodation and construction of objects of housing-public, industrial, transport, and others should be realized in accordance with the confirmed city construction documentation and projects of these objects.the process of city construction activity there should be provided activities on maximum conservation of area of ??land grounds with soil and plant cover; removing and storage in certain places of the fertile layer of the land with the further use of it for improvement of small productive lands, recultivation of the lands and improvement of settlements and industrial areas; non lower breaches of the hydrolo...

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