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Реферат Possibilities of Internet resources in Teaching English Vocabulary

research this problem on the basis of works of outgoing scholars such as Lubliner amp; Scott, Stanovich, Dalton, B. and Grisham, DL, Son, J. - B.

The practical significance of our research work: The materials given in our work can be used at the seminars and can be the reference to defined internet programs, books, sites for people who are interested in using internet resources in teaching English vocabulary at primary schools.

The structure of research includes Introduction, theoretical part, practical part, Conclusion and Reference. In Introduction the aim, objectives, object and subject, methods of investigation, theoretical and practical significances, also the materials under analysis of research were considered. In the theoretical part of research we considered about the theoretical aspects of relationship between technology and language. In the practical part of the research we have given the analysis of examples of using Web application during the lesson at primary schools. In conclusion: the result of our research is considered. In Reference : the list of works foreign scientists that were analyzed during the investigation.

1. Theoretical aspects of relationship between technology and language

1.1 Research-based principles of vocabulary instruction and multimedia learning

Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without sufficient vocabulary pupils can not understand others or express their own ideas. Why is vocabulary learning so important? To understand a text, one must understand the words that represent the ideas or concepts. Studies confirm the high correlation between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension. We also know that there are degrees of word knowledge, from I've never heard this word before, to I know this word and can apply it in multiple contexts raquo ;, as well as metacognitive knowledge about how to apply prior knowledge and strategies to vocabulary learning.

Usage of Internet resources is one of the important objectives in learning foreign language. Many studies have been conducted about the relationship between technology and language. Some of them have focused on attitudes of the participants while some have taken concrete test scores into account. Overall, the results of multiple studies seem to suggest that active leisure use of the Internet is beneficial for one s English skills. Reading online texts, both in one s own time and when assigned, are extremely good for acquiring necessary language skills. Linguists conducted a study exploring the correlation of language acquisition and reading for pleasure online. The result was that the pupils who spent more time reading on the Web scored better on reading tests. Furthermore, scholars studied ESL business pupils approaches and attitudes towards learning vocabulary through Internet reading. In the study, he divided the participants into two groups, consisting of readers and non-readers. Interestingly enough, he also monitored the participants vocabulary knowledge throughout an 8-week period. The results showed that those who were assigned to do online reading scored higher in the post-test. The youth themselves also feel that they learn through browsing the Web. Scientists studied upper secondary pupils motivation in relation to learning English in the Internet. Aim was to chart how the Internet affected young people s motivation, skills and attitudes towards learning English. The results showed that over 80% felt motivated to learn English. In addition, well over 50% of the web pages they browsed were English-based. Finally, 10 out of 21, that is, 48% of the participants stated that the Internet has been of great help when learning English. All in all, young people view learning through the use of Internet positively. They enjoy visiting English sites for pure leisure purposes.know that there is a wide range in pupils word knowledge and that as early as age 5 there is a 30-million-word exposure gap between. The results of this gap are manifested in pupils literacy learning, particularly reading comprehension. The Matthew Effect, where strong readers get stronger and weak readers get weaker, as well as the fourth-grade reading slump, can be attributed, at least in part, to a less developed store of conceptual knowledge and vocabulary.good news is that we can improve vocabulary learning and address the gap by actively and systematically teaching vocabulary to pupils. Teaching words, morphology, and word origins is an important component in any vocabulary learning program. It is also necessary to provide multiple exposures to the word in different contexts and t...

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