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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Gender and age peculiarities of the language and some linguistic difficulties of translation them in practice

Реферат Gender and age peculiarities of the language and some linguistic difficulties of translation them in practice

ted than the others, and so are more likely to pop up in error.

Whereas selection errors tell us how individual words are stored and selected, assemblage errors indicate how whole sequences are organized ready for production. For example, mistakes nearly always take place within a single «tone group»- A short stretch of speech spoken with a single intonation contour. This suggests that the tone group is the unit of planning. And within the tone group, items with similar stress are often transposed, as ingas of tank (a tank of gas)., When sounds are switched, initial sounds change place with other initials, and final with final, and so on, as inofhubbish (heap of rubbish). orgrash (hash or grass). this suggests that speech is organized in accordance with a rhythmic principle - that a tone group is divided into smaller units (usually called feet), which are based (in English) on stress . Feet are divided into syllables, which are in turn possibly controlled by a biological «beat» which regulates the speed of utterance. The interaction between these rhythmically based tone groups and syntactic constructions is a topic which still needs to be carefully examined.

gender language grammatical verb

Chapter 2. Linguistic peculiarities of translation of gender graded languages ??

2.1 Difficulties of translation of children s speech

The nature of translation is characterized by that psychological structure of the action which adopts to the conditions of performing the action owing frequent experience. The action becomes more frequent, correct and accurate and the number of the operations is shortened while forming the skill the character of awareness of the action is changing, ie fullness of understanding is paid to the conditions and quality of performing to the control over it and regulation.form some skills is necessary to know that the process of the forming skills has some steps:

- Only some definite elements of the action are automatic.

- The translation occurs under more difficult conditions, when the child can t concentrate his attention on one element of the action.

- The whole structure of the action is improved and the translation of its separate components is completed.

The characteristic feature of the reproductive grammar skills is their flexibility. It doesn t depend on the level of translation, ie on perfection of skill here mean the original action: both the structure of sentence, and forms of the words are reproduced by the speaker using different lexical material. If the child reproduces sentences and different words, which have been learnt by him as a ready-made thing he can say that there is no grammar skill. Learning the ready-made forms, word combinations and sentences occurs in the same way as learning lexis.grammar skill is based on the general conclusion. The grammar action can and must occur only in the definite lexical limits, on the definite lexical material. If the pupil can make up his sentence frequently, accurately and correctly from the grammatical point of view, he has got the grammar skill.main difficulty of the reproductive (active) grammar skills is to correspond the purposes of the statement, communicative ...

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