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Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

is associated with transformation f th kinds of resources (most likely date), and the risk of force majeure obstoyate l stv. Credit risk of banks depends on the following factors:

* Degree of concentration of credit the bank's activities in any field (industry) that is sensitive to changes in the economy that having elastic demand for their products, which is expressed by the degree of concentration c entratsii n ka ba customers in certain of raslyah or geographical areas, especially prone to konyun tural changes;

* If the share of loans and other banking contracts coming ing on customers experiencing certain specific ski ed labor completely;

* Con fi entratsiya the bank's activities in neglected, new, not a tradition n tion areas;

* Make frequent or significant changes in the policy of the bank and on before with tavleniyu e cr dits, the formation of portfolio securities;

* Share of new and recently attracting tion n clients;

* The introduction of too many new services in a short period (then the bank most exposed to the presence of negative or zero, the potential demand);

* Acceptance as collateral c ennostey, difficult to be realized n and the market or used subject to depreciation s stroma.to the results of the statistical analysis, we can conclude that the private and joint-stock companies are more flexible and efficient than state, but often ruined. The same can be said about the large and small manufactures e Lyakh. Joint ventures I often susceptible to external and / or political risks e SKIM. sharehold 'statutory enterprises should pay special attention to all types of portfolio risks.risk borrowers depends on the type of credit granted. Depending on the terms of granting loans are short -, medium-duty and on the urgent, the kinds of software - provide tained and unsecured, which in turn can be per sonalnymi and banking, the specifics of credit d um about ditch-banks SCIE , state, commercial (corporate), loans insurance panies and individuals konsortsionalnye (syndicated), which are structured to cells in bnye (where the number of creditors is limited Cheno) and open (uch a part in it. can accept any bank or business ) from species de inhibitors - agricultural, about thinking, utilities, personal, eg by using a tion tion - consumer, industrial, about the formation of working capital, investment, seasonal, time to eliminate government finances on O difficulties, intermediate, transactions with precious E trading, import and export, by size - small, medium set, large, the presentation mode - promissory notes, for n on can open accounts soup, seasonal consignment.riskparticular interest are the so-called transport risks. Cation of them stem from the first International trade has been brought howling Chamber in Paris (1919) and unified in 1936, whenever there first promulgated rules INCOTERMS. After the recent correction (1990) various transport risks are classified by the degree of smiling and liability in four groups E, F, C and DE includes one situation - when the supplier (selling c) holds tons of var on its own warehouses (Ex Works). Risks adopted versity itself fasting crate and his bank before accepting the goods on the purchasers. The risk of transportation from the premises to a final seller centage points already assumed by the...

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