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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

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Рольова гра.



Спортивна гра.



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Додаток № 4

Система занять для елективного курсу «Around Sakhalin island».

Тема № 4: Каторга на Сахаліні.

Мета: Розвиток уміння сприймати мову на слух і усвідомлено використовувати нові лексичні одиниці на прикладі теми «Каторга на Сахаліні».

Завдання: 1) Прослухати лекцію і засвоїти матеріал за темою «Каторга на Сахаліні».

) Провести рольову гру за темою «Chekhov on Sakhalin island».

Зміст лекції: the island was explored it was nearly impossible to inhabited it so to save the land from the Japanese inventors the tsarist government found to Sakhalin original application - on a remote island penal servitude was created. Harsh environment of Sakhalin, in combination with hard mode is a severe punishment for convicts. Convict labor was decided to use for development of coal, forests, etc. It was impossible for the prisoners to escape from the island, separated from the mainland by the rapid Tatar Strait.who have served their prison sentence, was supposed to induct eternal settlement on the island, they were engaged mainly in agriculture.1869, the first batch of convicts was delivered to Sakhalin island, consisting of 800 persons. From that time began gloomy history of Sakhalin. One after another came the party of convicts. Hundreds of thousands of people. Initially, only men. Then there were also women: wives and children of some convicts voluntarily went into exile on Sakhalin. in hand and leg irons, and sometimes chained in addition to the wheelbarrow, convicts worked mainly in coal mines, in areas adjacent to Aleksandrovskanization of mining, the lack of any kind had the tools, but picks and shovels, back-breaking labor regime did not contribute to the development of the coal industry. Number of coal produced was small. From coal mines was imposed on a stretcher or in bags, which made him grind. All this dramatically reduced the quality of coal and hampered its sales.breaking mode and arbitrariness of the administration led to an exodus of convicts. Some escapees managed to cross the Tatar Strait and return to the European part of Russia. But many remained in the island. Life settlers differed little from the life of convictsanization of settlements also hit complete arbitrariness of imperial administration. Convict, who complete sentence, was given an ax, hoe, shovel, two pounds of rope, a chain saw for five people and pointed out where he was supposed to settle. Designated settlements were chosen without any plan, without taking into account the surrounding conditions. Happened so that the settlements found themselves constructed in locations totally unsuitable for farming, wet, flooded with water, etc., the cost of enormous effort, just bloody work, a settler had to build himself a hut and created a farm. But the relief did not bring it to him. He dragged out a miserable existence. In addition, Exiled settlers did not have civil rights, and lived under a special statute. At the first opportunity Exiled settlers abandoned their huts and farms and fled to the mainland.the exodus of convicts and exiles, the settlers of the Sakhalin population is continuously increasing due to new shipments of convicts, sent here. By 1904 on Sakhalin Island was about 40 thousand prisoners, exiles, the settlers and the free inhabitants. July 1890 the Thirty Years writer Anton Chekhov, landed on the coast of Sakhalin Island. During the three-month stay on the island of Anton Pavlovich Huge work done. To become better acquai...

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