ith use of the electronic equipment when in interests of one of sides it translates all course of judicial debate hearings. - the expert of area of ??the communications developing terminology of the certain field of activity. Leaning on documents and databanks, it makes lists of terms of studying of branch, gives them definition, finds equivalents in other language, defines norms of the use of terms in professional work and makes unification of terms.
.3 Translation and special terminology
Canadian translators, by virtue of a social specific character of activity more tempted in informative texts, art, already for a long time have addressed to problems of terminology. As early as in 1902 Jozeph-Evarist Prens has published in magazine «the Bulletin of the French speech in Canada» the first terminologic the research, devoted to terms of the railway. [23, p. 62]. Was published English-French and the French-English military dictionary. In 1953 director (superquartermaster) Feder the first bureau of translations Bob'en, having returned from headquarters of the United Nations in New York where it adopted experience of the organization servise of translation, initiates creations central servise terminology. In the end of the same year such service creates the Federal bureau of translations. It joins created hardly before Technological association of French language Leke the ecological center. Already in following year the Federal bureau of translations lets out the first «Terminological bulletins» and «Terminological instructions». In 1960 at University of Montreal is created the first of its kind bank of terminology. In 1978 г within the limits of the Society of translators of Quebec the Section of terminologists - the first-ever association professional terminologists is created. Thus, in bowels of translation the new speciality-terminologist which the uniform objective - unites with translation maintenance interlingual communications was born.area of ??expertise in preparation of translators is marked and in an orientation of training at this or that university. Four leading universities of the country preparing translators - University of Montreal, University of Ottawa, University Lavalja in Quebec and University «Concordia«- Have distributed «areas of influence» as follows. At University Lavalja mainly prepare for written translators in different areas of professional work. University » Concordia" gives much attention to art translation. The University of Montreal appears the leader in preparation of oral judicial translators (consecutive translation). University of Ottawa while unique university where prepare for simultaneous translators (translators of conferences) with two categories of oral translators traditional for Canada (the translator of conferences and the judicial translatoris necessary to note one more - a so-called category interprete communautaire. It is a question of professional translators who are called up to provide the oral communications in conditions when in contact there is one of official languages ??of Canada and foreign or languages ??of national minorities of the independent population of the country.given category of translators has arisen after immigrants politicians of Canada easily enough accepting workers from other countries. The quantity of translators of this category while is insignificant, but in recent years they starts to use escalating demand. Their n...