languages? In the first case it is available insufficiency of special knowledge, and in the second rather weak language and translational preparation is inevitable. Canada branch an area of ??expertise of translators begins already within the limits of the first cycle of university training (preparation of bachelors) and then fixes during all professional work, being supported by participation of translators in work of numerous branch translational associations.other words, in Canada in the field of preparation by the translator there is no visible break between curriculums and inquiries of a labour market. However it is not necessary to forget, that translation in Canada many other things of the countries including Russia, substantially is activity interstate, instead of international. It is caused by internal language conditions - Friench-English bilingualizm. Therefore the vast majority of translators works with these two languages. The list of translators, Board of officially recognized translators of Quebec, than 1400 person from which less than 150 work with other combination of languages, rather than French and English totals morech conditions the area of ??expertise of translators is quite natural and easily enough achievable.divisibility of translational activity reflects aspiration of the Canadian professionals to reach optimum results in the work, to finish translational skills in the narrow let enough narrow, thematic area to perfection. Certainly, such aspiration is maybe caused by requirements of competitive struggle in conditions of the market, high quality of production - a primary factor of success. But it is doubtless, even more important reason is the talent of the translator as any artist, completely taming material with which it works, to subdue the text, with words to force them to shine in other language environment so brightly, as well as primary . in the art text where a word - means of creation of forms and in the informative texts functioning in scientifically technical, economic or legal areas where it is the basic means of expression of concepts, from accuracy of a choice of a word depends success in a formulation of idea.area of ??expertise in preparation and in professional work of translators goes not only on a thematic line, but also in the steps translational activity, as well as on in what thinking translation is conducted: from French on English or to the contrary. Now in Canada four translational specialities are distinctly divided: the written translator, the translator of conferences (interprete de conference), the judicial translator (interprete judiciaire) and terminology (terminologue). The written translator - the expert in the field of the written communications - will transform the text written in one language, to the text in other language, aspiring at the most truly to pass a message occurring the text.translator of conferences-is the expert in the field of the oral communications - provides simultaneous interpretation (transfer of the message in parallel its expansion in speech on the source language by means of the electronic equipment) Or consecutive (oral translation after each performance) during the congresses, meetings, conferences, etc. the Judicial translator - the expert in the field of the oral communications - provides translation during judicial and administrative trials, translating or is consecutive, when readings of the person subpoenaed, or synchronously w...