n development of a complex of exercises for the studies of dialogue - questioning with the use of interactive technologies at lessons in a secondary school with study of a foreign language.research paper consists of the introduction, two main parts, conclusions, the list of literature that was used while writing this paper. The first part is devoted to the general characteristics of interactive methods of teaching the dialogue-questioning pupils of the fifth form of a school with the study of a foreign language and characteristics of some psychological peculiarities of the pupils of the fifth form.second part deals with the organization of teaching the dialogue - questioning pupils of the fifth form of a school with study of a foreign language, describes the requirement of conducting an interactive lesson and presents the interactive methods and various exercises to the topic Music to develop pupil s skills in speaking.practical results of this research work is worked out complex of exercises for teaching the dialogue - questioning pupils of the eights form of a school with study of a foreign language to the topic Music . This research work will contribute in some small way to collective enterprise of teaching the dialogue - questioning on the basis of the interactive methods.
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