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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

flowing for the female), and the third - provide answers to any questions. You need only to sit on it, to close your eyes, to ask and soon you will understand what is the solution .Aihor.ago, when there were no wars lived a tribe which master has a beautiful daughter Aihor. She was kind and smart. Elegant and gracefull. She loves her father and people of her tribe and they love her. One day she was walking through the forest when God of the dead Shimiry saw her. He felt in love and asked Aihor to follow him, but the girl refused him and ran away. Shimiry felt in a fury. And said that he would kill the tribe is she didn t follow him. Aihor was afraid but love to her family was stronger than fear and she jumped from the high hill and at the very momemt at the place of her death appeared a wonderful waterfall wich was named Aihor in memory of brave girl who has saved her family.

The history of the development of the Rock Frog.

The beginning of the development of the area is 80 years of XX-th century. The first researchers were a group of geologists and psychics Sahainskogo UFO center. Raquo; From this period the countryside near the Vestochka village which is a gorge and a system of mountains and hills is considered to be place of power. Based on the theory IDES - it is a node of intersection of power lines of the third level. There are only two places of such force on The main attraction of this area is State Geological natural monument of regional significance, Structural and denudation outlier Frog, created in 1983 and covering an area of ??12 hectares. This is a circle with a radius of about 200 meters from the cliff «Frog.» 2 003 company «Avatar» continues the development of the area, conducts educational tours, festivals and environmental activities. 2007, non-profit partnership Path 19 starts to work on equipment for environmental pathways. 2008, thanks to the project natural monument Frog - science and legend, there was created the first Sakhalin-equipped nature trail «Sakhalin Frog.» Words about the route.route from the Vestochka village to the monument of nature goes on a flat track, and on steep mountain, and crossing a river. you can find many unique and special things. First of all, the very rock of Frog laquo ;, part of the ridge of rocks lined up one after another like the planets of the solar system. Once it was the bottom of ancient sea and its environs can be found fossilized seashells. From the top of cliffs offer stunning views of the Aniva Bay, Lake Tunaycha and changeable. the foot of The Frogs" takes an unusual river Komisarivka (and in the people - Ayichka) with crystal-clear water that has healing properties due to the content of local rocks ferromagnets. the trail you can find one of the most spectacular plants Sakhalin coarse - lily Glen, Red Book of the Sakhalin region.

Many legends and amazing stories associated with these places. Not for nothing here you can find stones desires and answers raquo ;, the solar and lunar field, fabulous wood and much more. ancient Ainu rock frog is a temple of wisdom, and the venue for rituals. And he was complemented by outlier stone structures such as dolmens. At the foot of the cliff is a stone sphinx. He is amazingly similar to his Egyptian counterpart of the pyramid of Cheops, even though their shared by tens of thousands of miles and years.of conduct.of Responsible Traveler will help you to preserve the beauty of these places:

Be mindful of the vulnerability of the Earth;

Leave only footprints, carries only pictures, kill only time;

Respect the locals;

Wherever possible, use methods to preserve the environment. of conduct are simple, if you follow the rules you can have rest and conserve nature:

Leave the car at a designated parking place - then continued his journey on foot;

Always follow the only paved paths. In the woods and the meadows grow many plants, including the Red, the main danger for them - trampling;

Position the tent only in designated areas;

a fire in a specially equipped place - it is safer, requires less firewood, and the warmth of fire lasts longer;

debris carried away with themselves. It's easy - to keep the forest clean! will take you from of possible trouble.

In May and July there are a lot of ticks, while in the sun-warm rocks occur viper.

Alone, you should not go away - people here are infrequent but not uncommon curious bears.

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