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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

and came to Canada. [23, p. 54-55]. This period the birth of Canadian bilingualism however, the translation in the official sphere is too early to say exactly according to its established tradition in Mascarene make texts governing documents directly in French. The official name is «translation» the French version of the governmental document gets only 6 February 1769, when a French version of a published document shows a postscript: «Translated by order of His Excellency Fran? ois-Joseph Kuehne. SF. »Kuehne from 1768 was the official translator of the Governor of the Province of Quebec and performed administrative and editorial functions. [24, p. 67]. Present translation activities in the official sphere begins only after the whole French North America by the Treaty of Paris on February 10, 1763 goes to English in Quebec and settles civil government. Since 1764 there begins to come out the first official bilingual organ - La Gazette de Quebec / The Quebec Gazette. Articles in this newspaper are written mainly in English, but are accompanied by a French translation. From this period, according to a Canadian researcher Pierre Davio already there has been some distortion of the French language. At the initial stage of the Anglo-French bilingual French texts of official documents were excellent, although written in the vernacular. Translation and editing of translated or compiled by the French official texts carried emigrants old Canadian families. Later, when Kuehne, especially the moment when he began to charge transfer competent enough in French to people who have received an English education, the French language is beginning to suffer. Kuehne himself does not always know how to properly relate the position of the French legal documents and their English counterparts, which often led to a complete nonsense in translation.

.3.1 Translation development in 20 centurythe XX century translation activities in government continues to grow and strengthen. In 1934 at the suggestion of Secretary of State Kaan created the Federal Bureau of translations, designed to serve the entire federal administration. The role of the public authority in the development of translation in Canada is enormous. Chronology of events in the history of translation given in the book of G. Delisle «Translation in Canada, 1534-1984,» provides a picture of the activities of this organization for over fifty years. [25, p. 65-120]. Is the creation of local (provincial) Translation Bureau, the organization of training courses and professional development of translators, the creation of the study and systematization of terminology, recurrent publications on Language and Terminology organization of scientific and practical conferences, the introduction of new means of transfer, the study of issues of organization translation work, their wages, objective way to evaluate the quality of translations, the nature of relations between translators and their clients, and much more. One of the key aspects of the Federal Bureau of translation development and publication of the transfer and in the interests of the translation. In 1995, he developed a French-English-Spanish dictionary Road Transport and 1996 - «Guidelines for Editors,» and in 1999 - CD-ROM with a French-English vocabulary. [23, p. 378]. Merit of this part of the country is the fact that the French language is officially recognized as a second, equally important, the official ...

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