eleases a global survey of corruption, a broader index that surveys more countries across a wider spectrum of economic and political ills.
Don't take my word for it; listen instead to former Russian parliamentarian Vladimir Ryzhkov, who calls Medvedev's performance dismal.
Ryzhkov points to a survey by the World Economic Forum which shows that Russia significantly deteriorated in global competitiveness during Medvedev's first two years in office, ranking a woeful 63rd out of 133 nations surveyed, including a massive drop in the quality of the justice system (another pet project of Medvedev's).
- In a brutal and lengthy article, veteran Russia correspondents Owen Matthews and Anna Nemtsova of Newsweek concluded that Medvedev is a "phony liberal" both because his promised reforms were only skin-deep façades and because he continues to serve not as the genuine ruler of Russia, but as a front for KGB strongman Vladimir Putin. Putin refers to Medvedev, the reporters say, with the pronoun "ty" that is used for children and underlings, while Medvedev refers to Putin with the respectful pronoun "vy."
But it's not the least bit odd if you understand that Medvedev's "presidency" is a sham.
As the head of a new "party" that represents freedom and democracy, Medvedev can be presented as an entirely viable candidate to the West.
Then, when Putin crushes him, he not only proves that Russia has a real democracy, but that Russians don't want democracy.
It's actually quite a brilliant scheme on Putin's part.
На рівні пропозиції об'єктивність забезпечується нейтральним, переважно прямим порядком слів, що виключає емоційність і відповідним тема-рематіческіе членению і ясною логічною схемою суб'єкт-предикат-об'єкт:
- A revolution is brewing in Vladimir Putin's Russia.
A video of the speech went viral and has already been viewed nearly 200,000 times and received over 500 comments.
The websites hosting the petitions were soon under furious attack from Putin's army of hackers.
Russians have good reasons to despise the increasingly neo-Soviet regime that Putin, a proud KGB spy, has created.
Характерна також неособиста семантика суб'єкта, що виражається або за допомогою безособових і невизначено-особистих підлягають, або за допомогою підлягають, виражених іменниками абстрактного або конкретного неособистого значення:
- A revolution is brewing in Vladimir Putin's Russia.
Then an online petition surfaced, attracting the support of virtually every significant opposition leader, and it too went viral.
But exactly the opposite has happened.
That means it's up to others, especially the leaders of the Republican Party, to show solidarity with the brave Russians who now seek to stop their country's slide into neo-Soviet oblivion.
На рівні слова об'єктивність когнітивної інформації насамперед забезпечують терміни.
2) Абстрактність.
Абстрактність виражається насамперед у логічному принципі побудови тексту, що виявляє себе в складності та розмаїтті тих логічних структур синтаксису, які використовуються в тексті. Це різні види сочінітельной і підрядного зв'язку, причетні обороти, інфінітівние групи:
- A video of the speech went viral and has already been viewed nearly 200,000 times and received over 500 comments.
Then an online petition surfaced, attracting the support of virtually every significant opposition leader, and it too went viral.
And despite the shameful lack of support from Barack Obama and other craven Western leaders, they have good reason to be brave enough to challenge him.
When he came to power two years ago, Russia's so-called "president" Dmitri Medvedev (in reality nothing more than Putin's puppet) promised that he would bring a new level of fairness to Russia's infamously corrupt electoral process.
The court upheld the actions of local political leaders who rejected electoral petitions simply because they "just looked false."
Спостерігається також широкий діапазон дублюючих можливостей передачі логічних відносин: так, визначальні відносини можуть виражатися за допомогою узгодженого визначення, генетивно визначення, складного слова, определительного придаткового:
- The Bruce Springsteen of Russia, Yuri She...