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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

to higher education. 5 go on: to continue talking about something? «There« ; s only one other possibility, »Jed went on. + with? After a short pause, Maria went on with her story. 6 go on: to talk too much in a boring way. Sb does go on? Pam« sa really nice person but she does go on a bit! go on and on? The speaker went on and on until several people left the hall. 7 go on: to keep complaining about something? I wish you »d stop going on, Mum! + about? He «s always going on about how much work he» s got to do. 8 go on: to continue travelling towards a particular place or in a particular direction? They stopped at a cafe and had a meal before going on again. 9 go on: to go somewhere before the other people you are with> Bill and the girls went on in the car and the rest of us followed on foot, go on ahead? Why don «t you go on ahead - we» ll catch up with you later. 10 go on: to continue for a particular distance, especially a long one, or over a particular area? In front of us, the desert went on as far as the eye could 11 go on!: Used to encourage someone to do something? Go on, James, tell us what happened! 12 go on (then): used to tell someone that you will agree to something that you had refused to agree to before? «Don» t you think I could borrow the car, just for once? » «Oh, go on then.» 13 go on sth: to base your opinion on the information that is available? I can only go on the information that I «ve got in Th s report. 14 go on sth: to spend money or time on something? A large proportion of my salary goes on our mortgage, go on doing sth? The money we raised went on rebuilding the church tower. 15 go on: if a light, machine, or piece of equipment goes on, it starts working? the inside light goes on automatically when you open the door. As time / the day etc goes on: used to describe what happens while time passes 4s time went on, we no longer seemed to have much in common. 16 go on sth: to start taking a type of medical drug? I don »t want to go on sleeping pills, if I can possibly avoid it. Go on with-have enough to go on with: to have enough of something, so that you do no need any more at the moment? Have you got enough money to be going on with? go out - 1 go out: 10 leave a building, room etc in order to go somewhere else? Maria got up and went out. ? Do you want to go out into the garden? 2go out: to leave your house in order to meet people, enjoy yourself etc

? Let «s go out and celebrate! + For? Do you want to go out for a pizza tonight? + To do sth? Will »s just gone out to play football with the other boys. 3 go out: to travel to another country, especially one that is far away? My sister lives in Toronto and we're all going out there in the summer. + To? Louisa has gone out to Australia to try and find a job for the summer. 4 goes out: if a light does out, it stops shining? I sat and watched all the lights go out one by one. 5 go out: to stop burning? By now, the barbecue had gone out and it was starting to rain. 6 go out: if news or an official message goes out, it is announced or sent? the news went out that Mandela was about to be released. + To? Invitations to the conference went out to twenty five countries. 6 go out: to stop being fashionable or stop being usual? People used to wear white leather boots-but they went out years ago. Go out of fashion? Computer games can quickly go out of fashion. 8 go out and do sth: to do something difficul...

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