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Реферат The system of accommodation in Perm

align="justify"> Board - a company with a simple standard and a limited range of services. He does not fall under the category of stardom, as is not required to meet the standards. Most often, it belongs to one family, which serves the guests. For a typical boarding house atmosphere of hospitality and warmth that, along with low prices attract customers;

Bungalow - a small building made of light materials to be used for tourist accommodation. Widely used in international youth tourist centers;

Camping - camp for cars, motorcycles, cyclists, usually located in the countryside, sometimes far from the motel. Tourists have a place to sleep, often in tents or summer cottages, fully equipped kitchen for personal cooking, and some basic amenities;

Rotel - Mobile hotel, which is a car with single or double rooms (sleeping quarters), in which a bedroom chair. There is a compartment for changing rooms, communal kitchen, fridge, shared bathroom;

Floatel - a large floating hotel. Tourists are offered comfortable rooms and a range of services for active recreation - swimming, water skiing, fishing gear, equipment for scuba diving and spearfishing, gyms, halls for congresses and conferences, a library, a variety of informational support (phone, fax, computer and etc.);

Flaytel - extremely expensive and form small hotels. Equipped with a landing pad and a communication system with the Weather Service;

Botel - a small hotel on the water, which is used as a suitably equipped vessel;

Aquatel - stationary vehicle, withdrawn from service as a vehicle and used as a hotel.standard of rooms:

Double twin - a room with two beds.

Extra bed (or King size) - a room with one large bed for couples.

Triple - a room with two beds and sofa which can sleep a child.

Single - size as double twin, but with one bed.

Unior suite - double one-room number of the improved design.

De luxe - the same room, but with a more expensive design.

Suite - a room with a hall and a bedroom with furniture and the quality equipment.

Business - the big room with the computer, a fax, with access to the Internet

Family studio - a room for a family with two adjacent rooms.

President - the most luxury rooms of the hotel having some of bedrooms, an office, 2-3 toilets.


- is the world's largest country, spanning Eastern Europe, and northern Asia, sharing borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea.in Russia has seen rapid growth since the late Soviet times. At first inner tourism and then international tourism as well. Rich cultural heritage and great natural variety place Russia among the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Major tourist routes in Russia include a travel around the Golden Ring of ancient cities, cruises on the big rivers like Volga, and long journeys on the famous Trans-Siberian Railway. Diverse regions and ethnic cultures of Russia offer many different food and souvenirs, and show a great variety of traditions, like Russian banya, Tatar Sabantuy, or Siberian shamanist rituals.hotel business in Russia. All hotel consist two kind - chain/not chain. The hotel chains more perspective for development hotel industry. The Russia have many a big international hotel chains, which situated in the Moscow and Sant Petersburg. And now Russia have more 4000 hotels, where 70% - low quality. Russia have not enough qualified officials.largest hotel chains of Russia are Heliopark Group (more than 2500 numbers), Azimut Hotel Group (3000 numbers), Amaks Hotels

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