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Реферат The system of accommodation in Perm

ive Star Hotels

Here you should find spacious and luxurious accommodation throughout the hotel, matching the best international standards. Services should be formal, well supervised and flawless in attention to guests 'needs, without being intrusive. The restaurant will demonstrate a high level of technical skill, producing dishes to the highest international standards. Staff will be knowledgeable, helpful, well versed in all aspects of customer care, combining efficiency with courtesy.hotels may be classified according to capacity of number fund, uptime, location, prices, type of services offered and appointment.virtue of capacity of number fund, hotels can be classified into: (to 100-150 rooms), middle (from 100 to 300-400 rooms), large (from 300 to 600-1000 rooms), giants (more 1000 rooms). virtue of uptime, hotels can be classified into: all year, working two seasons, working one seasonvirtue of their location, hotels may be: (situated in the city center), resort (in exotic locations), airport (for air passengers), freeway (on the highways ). virtue of prices, hotels can be classified into:, up-scale, mid-scale, budget.virtue of services offered, hotels may be classified into: service (with all sorts of services), economy (offering clean, reasonably sized and furnished rooms), residential (for long term guests), all suite hotels (rooms with adjacent lounge and kitchenette area). virtue of appointment, hotels may be classified into: services, catering and other services provided by the hotel company, complement each other, in most cases are interdependent and are perceived by guests as a whole. Given how they are made and combined into a single complex, formed a certain type of enterprise.following types of hospitality enterprises:

Hotel - a traditional type of hotel company that is located, usually in a large city, which has a large staff of personnel, providing a wide range of additional services and a high level of comfort;

Hotel-suite - a small or medium capacity for hotel enterprise, usually located in the heart of the city. Characterized by high cost facilities, including all possible types of service.

Hotel (middle class) - the enterprise for greater capacity of the hotel suite (400-2000 beds), located in downtown or urban area. Can accommodate businesses, individual travelers, participants in congresses and conferences;

Hotel-apartments - Provides service apartments to be used as temporary housing, often based on self-service. The price usually varies depending on the timing of placement. Serves family of tourists and businessmen, merchants, staying for a long time;

Resort hotel - a company with significant differences in capacity, offering a complete range of hospitality services and in addition, a complex of special care and diet. Located in a resort area;

Congress Hotel (Business-hotels) - Hotels that serve the participants of major forums and conferences. Capacity for business hotels no more than 600 rooms, convention hotels - 2000 rooms and more. There are exhibitions make a mistake, and various rooms for meetings. A complete set of business.

Casino Hotel - Associated with gambling, hotels with a large capacity room stock (500-3000 or more). The structure is dominated by number of rooms suites with an expensive interior, mini-basins, a Jacuzzi, several bathrooms and bedrooms. Casino-hotels - one of the most expensive. Rates of 1000 - 25000 $

Motel - a means of placing sleeper, adjusted for family accommodation and services for families, without having to pay full range of services, as offered by the hotel. Clients are different categories of tourists, but with an emphasis on cognitive trailering;

Private hotel-type "Bed and Breakfast" - type hotels, which became widespread in the US.In the service, usually includes breakfast and an early light dinner at home. Clients - businessmen and tourists route, tending to home coziness;

Hotel Garni - a company that represents clients with a limited number of services (accommodation and continental breakfast);

Apart-hotel - hotel enterprise, consisting of several apartments, the price of which does not depend on the number of people living there guests . Designed for self-service;

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