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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Utilization of dairy industry wastes

Реферат Utilization of dairy industry wastes

vels of wastewater production [7]. Practices cover a wide range of water consumption and process operation activities. Well controlled processes reflect good management qualifications, while bad practices are a reflection of poor management. Table 3 shows the relationships. The qualification fair signifies that good as well as bad practises occur. With good management practices, values ​​of BOD 1 kg/ton and produced wastewater below 1 kg/kg may be reached. Poor management will result in values ​​greater than 3 kg/ton resp. 3 kg/kg [45]. The evaluation of management practices, the following indicators are useful: 1. Housekeeping practices;

. Water control practices; frequency with which hoses and other sources of water are left running when not in actual use;

. Degree of supervision of operations contributing to either the volume of wastewater or to BOD coefficients;

. Extent of spillage, pipe-line leaks, valve leaks and pump seals;

. Extent of carton breakage and product damage in casing, stacking and cooler operations;

. Practices followed during the handling of whey;

. Practices followed in handling spilled curd particles during cottage cheese transfer and/or filling operations

. The following of practices that reduce the amount of wash water from cottage cheese or butter operations;

. Extent to which the plant uses procedures to segregate and recover milk solids in the form of rinses and/or products from pasteurization start-up and product change-over;

. The procedures used to handle returned products;

. Management attitude towards waste control [18]. br/>

Table.3. Description of management level


Poor = 1. no steps taken to reduce waste, 2. whey included, 3. many drips, leaks, 4. returns included, 5. sloppy operations, 6. spillage leaks, 7. hoses running, = 8. whey excluded, 9. good water volume control, 10. wash water excluded, 11. no entertainment losses, 12. all powder handled as solid waste, 13. no leaks/drips, 14. continuous churn, = 15. fines screened out, 16. wash water to drain, 17. spilled curd handled as solid waste, 18. rinses segregated, 19. rinses saved, 20. returns to feed use, 21. returns excluded, 22. good water control, 23. buttermilk excluded, 24. few leaks, = 25. hoses off, 26. filler drip pans, 27. cooling tower, 28. dry floor conditionsthe following a summary is given of suggestions for the prevention of dairy waste. At the same time they are indicative of what is to be understood when speaking about good management of waste control:

. Instruction of plant personnel concerning the proper operatio...

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