n employed to render the content of idioms/phraseologism which has no equivalents in the target language. In English: as (mad) as a hatter Цілком Божевільний; All my eye and Betty Martin! нісенітніці (дурниці); like one (twelve) o'clock миттю, Вміти, пропали; In Ukrainian: зуб на зуб НЕ попадати to feel very cold (to feel freezing); навчить Біда коржі з маком Їсти hard times make one intentive; наговоріті сім КІП/мішків гречаної Вівня to say much nonsence.
Descriptive transtating is also often employed when dealing with the notions of specific national lexicon: haggisrerric (запечені вівсяній Кендюх, начинені вівсянімі крупами впереміш з січеній овечого Потрух); porrige порідж, густа Вівсяна каша, Звара на воді чі молоці); Senate сенат (рада УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ в Англии; Складається Переважно з професорів); sweet-meat солодка страва, приготовлена ​​на цукрі чг медові.
Alongside the literal translating the explication of the meaning of specific necessary: ​​вареники varenyky, middle-sized dumplings with curd, cherries; дума, duma, Ukrainian historic epic song; кобзар kobzar, a performer of Dumas to the accompaniment of the bandore or kobza.
Descriptive translating is also made use of in foot-notes to explain obscure places in narration.
The antonymic translating is employed for the sake of achieving faithfulness in conveying the content or expressiveness when an affirmative in sense or structure language unit (word, word-combination or sentence) is conveyed as a negative in a sense or structure but identical in content language unit or vice versa: to have quite a few friends мати багатая друзів; mind your own business НЕ втручайся не в свои справи; take it easy НЕ хвилюйся, не переживай; not infrequently часто; no time like the present лови момент (використовуются Нагода), не спитавшись броду, не лізь у воду look before you leap; немає лиха без добра every dark cloud has a silver lining.
The antonymic device is employed in the following cases:
1. When in the target language there is no direct equivalent for the sense unit of the source language. For example, the noun "inferiority" and the adjective "inferior" (like the verb phrase "to be inferior") have no single word equivalents in Ukrainian. So their lexical meaning can be conveyed either in a descriptive way or with the help of the antonyms "superiority," "Superior": The defeat of the Notts in last season's cup semi-finals was certainly the result of their physical and tactical inferiorit ... (M.Star). Поразка клубу В«Ноттінгем ФорестВ» у торішньому півфінальному матчі на кубок булу наслідком Перевага супротівніків у фізічній та тактічній підготовці.
The meaning of some English word groups can also be conveyed in Ukrainian automatically only: Baines was reading a newspaper in his shirt sleeves. - Бейнз сідів без піджака и читав газету. Half an hour ago Walter for his life would have hardly called her by name. - Ще півгодіні того Уолтер нізащо в мире не назвав бі ее по имени. "Do you mind this? "- Ві НЕ заперечуєте?
2. when the sense unit of the source language has two negations of its own which create an affirmation: In those clothes she was by no means nonelegant. У цьом вбранні вона булу й достатньо елегантная. My mother ... not to be dislike this character. - Моїй матери ... Ніби
(здавалось) сподобалась ця думка.
3. in order to achieve the necessary expressiveness in narration: I don't think it will hurt you, baby. - Думаю, вам воно НЕ зашкодіть, люба. A shell fell close. - Неподалік вібухнув снаряд. I hope you'll stay. - сподіваюсь, ві НЕ втечеть. It makes all the difference in the world. - Ні, не всі одне;
4. to avoid the use of the same structure close to each other in a text: Keep your head. - не падай духом/Вище голову. Mr. Strickland was a woman of character. - Міс Стрікленд булу жінкою не без характеру; тоб булу жінкою з характером. Most of the staff is not away. - Більшість співробітніків ще на роботі (галі не розійшліся). Savina said nothing. - Савіна мовчала; тоб Нічого НЕ відповіла. br/>
Translation has a polysemantic nature. It means the process of conveying the meaning of a word or sentence from one language into another language. Translation can be performed in written or oral form. It also referred to any sense-to-sense conveying even if the lexical meanings of the componential parts which make up the language units are not substituted for their equivalent lexical meanings in the target language.
The importance of translating and interpreting in modern society has long been recognized, because not a single contact between persons speaking two languages ​​can be established without the help of translators or interpreters. It helps the student to master the expressive means in the source language and corresponding means i...