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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

. Private banks are banks, cos d Data is based on the capital of individuals in their Russian ca about was 1% of the total ba n Cove.types of operations are distinguished commercial banks - the universal and ce ized. Modern banks can t make a wide range of operations and provide a variety of services, which seek to expand the list. This determines the uni sal character of the bank. In Russia, the function p Univ sebaceous banks - credit institutions with cross-sectoral multidisciplinary field of activity, which can be about t bear, for example, Unicombank, Russian National Bank, Bank Mosbiznes etc. However, the bank may have a specialization that increases effektivnos be the implementation of individual operations. Functional specialization distinguish banks rec n struction and development, investment, un on technoy, export-import, BEAC e liary.a territorial basis distinguish banks Intern about dnye, the Republicans and whether central, regional and service NESCO l ko regions. By reflecting on the left orientation banks classified for industrial, agricultural t governmental, construction, trade. For example, in Russia it Dalrybbank, CB «IB Entrepreneurship Support» CB «Energobank» WITH KB social sphere «Conti» , CB «Oil» AB «Metallurg» KB «Gazprombank», etc.modern conditions the influence of banks on the economy. S figures completely credit institutions is not limited accumulation and accommodate the growing mass d enezhnyh funds companies, enterprises and the population. They contribute to the accumulation of capital, not tons of lko actively interfering in all aspects of economic life, but also directly involved in the activities of operating capital or exercising control over it. Thanks kam ba n the mechanism of distribution and redistribution of capital and areas of traslyam proi s duction, which is largely providing et development of peoples d tion economy, depending on the objective needs of production. Additional funding for ex tra n about needs of industrial, transit from the port, agriculture investment, expand production, the banks they are e opportunity to influence the creation of a progressive national reproductive structure of x ture.

1.2 Business Principles for STI. FUNCTIONS AND COMMERCIAL BA H RGB

first and fundamental principle of the commercial bank is working within existing resources really. Commercial bank may make non-cash payments in favor of other banks to provide loans to other banks and get paid in cash within the balance in their correspondent accounts. Opportunities to create their own ed tender funds to the account of its customers in excess of their available resources and Restriction of were obtained.within and Commercially resources means that a commercial bank must provide not only a quantitative relationship between their resources and credit investments, but also to ensure compliance with the specifics of the nature of banking assets mobilized their resources. First of all, it refers to those terms and others. So, if the bank raises funds mainly used for short time periods (short-term deposits or demand deposits) and inc and dyval them primarily in long-term loans, its ability without zade p rods to pay its obligations properties (that is, its liquidity) is under eel about Zoe.of bank assets in a large number of loans with increased w ennym risk requires the bank to increase the share of equity in the total amount of i...

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