авального інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови. 1.Організаціонний момент Good morning, children! I m glad to see all of you. Sit down, please. How are you today? I m fine, thank you. Now I will read you the text about Green School Program. 2. Робота з текстом. O K. Answer the question Do you think this Green School Program helps to protect environment? What does this program conclude? 3. Вивчення граматики. O K. Very good. Now let s study new grammar. It is very difficult, so you should listen to me carefully. The Passive Voice. Agree with me if the statement is true. -America was discovered by Columbus. -The radio was invented by Leonardo da Vinci. -Electric light bulbs were improved by Thomas Edison. Thank you. And now write down 6 sentences in The Passive Voice. The telephone Charlie Chaplin Mickey Mouse Penicillin Fiat Romeo and Juliet created made born discovered written invented by in London Alexander Bell Walt Disney Shakespeare Alexander Fleming Italy Now I will read the text about Walt Disney and you should put the verb in the brackets in the right form, with the aim to understand the contents. O K. Today I m satisfied with your work. Your marks are ... Your homework is to make your own examples of the grammar, ex. 6., P. 17. Good luck and good bye!
Урок 3
1. Тема, цілі і задачі2. Зміст уроку Тема: All Those Museums! Практична мета: 1) формування вмінь аудіювання, 2) розвиток пам'яті, слухового сприйняття, уваги. Супутня завдання: розширення кругозору та лингвострановедческих знань; Виховна мета: span> створити комфортні для учнів умови, умови для підвищення пізнавального інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови і для підвищення активності учнів. Good morning, children! How are you today? Well, who is absent today? Why? How do you like the weather? Well, thank you. Let s work. Listen the conversation very attentively and try to answer my questions: 1. What is the great thing about museums for kids in Americ...