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Реферат Grammar of the Text: its Basic Units and Main Features (based on the novel by David Nicholls &One Day&)

ics, such as basic units of the text, text cohesion (reference, ellipsis, substitution, conjunction, lexical cohesion), text coherence (its basic parameters: acceptability, informativity, situational parameter, intertextuality). All examples based on the novel One day by David Nicholls.

. Basic units of the text.

. 1) In this example the basic unit of the text is 3 sentences, that have one common idea: wishes and expectations of a young men.

He wanted to feature in magazine articles, and hoped one day for a retrospective of his work, without having any clear notion of what that work might be. He wanted to live life to the extreme, but without any mess or complications. He wanted to live life in such a way that if a photograph were taken at random, it would be a cool photograph. [6 p.9]

1.2) In this example the basic unit of the text is 2 sentences that have common idea: describing a letter. But the paragraph contains more sentences, and this example disproves one of the theories that basic unit of the text is only one paragraph.

And then he saw the letter. Six blue sheets densely written on both sides. He stared at it as if an intruder had left it behind, and with his new sobriety came the first twinge of doubt. [6 p.49]

1.3) And this example show that basic unit of the text is the whole paragraph that has one common idea: describing the father.

His father is already standing in the doorway, as if he`s been there for years. He is wearing too many clothes for July; a shirt-tail is hanging down beneath his sweater, a mug of tea is in his hand. Once a giant to Dexter, he now looks stooped and tired, his long face pale, drawn and lined from the six months in which his wife`s condition has deteriorated. He raises his mug in greeting and for a moment Dexter sees himself through his father`s eyes, and winces with shame at his shiny shirt, the jaunty way he drives this sporty little car, the raffish noise it makes as it swoops to a halt on the gravel, the chill-out music on the stereo. [6 p.120]

2. Text cohesion

. 1 Reference) Anaphoradefinite article is sending to preceding context, where were talking about coming day, describing curtains in the rented room and were known such people as Tilly-bloody-Killick or Callum O`Neill.

a) Dexter could see the pink of the new day seeping though the heavy winter curtains that came with the rented room. [6p.13]

2a) Anyway, the only people with oars and rudders and aims are dreary bores and squares and careerists like Tilly-bloody-Killick or Callum O`Neill and his refurbished computers. [6p.43]

b) Cataphora.

b) In the first example conjunction" that indicates the following message and serves as means of cataphoric link.

The main thing is that I think about you a lot, that`s all. [6p.48]

2b) In the second example indefinite article means that it sa first mention about the day and in following context will be given more information about it.

It`sa big day for Dexter Mayhew too. He lies in a tangle of damp sheets, eyes wide, and imagines all of the things that might go wrong. [6 p.157]

2.2 Ellipsis

. 2.1 In this example is shown incompleteness of the answer, but it can be finished like:" It`sa tradition.

" It`sa Friday. Friday all day. St Swithin`s Day as a matter of fact.

" What`s that then?

Tradition. If it rains today it ll rain for the next forty days, or all summer, or something like that. Raquo; [6 p.15]

2.2.2 In this example the answer is also incomplete and can be finished as" I won`t make a religion out of it. But we can finish this answer only thanks to context, but not grammar.

" But not too nice. I mean don`t make a religion out of it, niceness.

I won`t [6 p.31]

2.3 Substitution

. 3.1 In this example using the pronoun he instead of noun Scott" is a mean of substitution.

Scott smiled benignly and nodded. Go on then! Take a break - He stretched an arm towards the door, adding with infinite compassion: Go get yourself some nachos. [6 p.55]

2.3.2 In this example the verb" Do serves as a mean of substitut...

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