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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Розробка ігрового програми на мові PascalABC.NET

Реферат Розробка ігрового програми на мові PascalABC.NET

="justify"> Тексти основних програмних модулів

uses GraphABC, ABCObjects, Timers; _x = 1000; {ширина вікна}

window_y = 700; {висота вікна} = 9.81; {гравітаційнапостійна} = 3.14; {математична константа} _step = 41; {час ходу в секундах}

type = class (PictureABC): string; {ім'я гравця}

Life: integer; {кол-во життів}, Y: integer; {розташування веж} _x: integer; {розташування індикатора сили по Х}: System.Drawing.Color; {колір гравця}

protectedCreate (x, y: integer; fname: string);;. X: = x;. Y: = y;; SetName (Name: string);. Name: = Name;; SetLife (Life: integer);. Life: = Life;; SetColor (Color: System.Drawing.Color);. Color: = Color;; LifeInit;: = 100;; PName: string read Name write SetName; PLife: integer read Life write SetLife; PColor: System.Drawing.Color read Color write SetColor;; = class, StepStatus: boolean;, Speed, EventEnable, Sec, Counter: integer;, MenuBG, InfoStep, InfoTime, InfoNameP1, InfoNameP2, PowerP1, PowerP2, RightBG, LeftBG, Celebration: PictureABC;, ButtonExit, ButtonRestart: PictureABC;, Player2, ActPlayer, PasPlayer: Players;: Timer; Create; (window_x); (window_y);;;: = KeyDown;: = Mouse;: = new PictureABC (0, 0, 'models bg.png');: = new Players (0, 580, 'models original_tower.png');: = new Players (880, 580, 'models original_tower.png') ;: = new Timer (1000, Seconds);. Power_x: = 120;. Power_x: = -90;: = new PictureABC (window_x, window_y, 'models core_2.png');: = new PictureABC (window_x div 2 - 150, 20, 'models step.png');: = new PictureABC (window_x div 2 - 60, window_y - 620, 'models form_button.png');: = new PictureABC (Player1.X + Player1.Power_x -3, Player1.Y +60, 'models power3.png');: = new PictureABC (Player2.X + Player2.Power_x-3, Player2.Y +60, 'models power3.png');: = new PictureABC (Player2.x, Player2.y-50, 'models right_bg.png');: = new PictureABC (Player1.x, Player2.y-50, 'models left_bg2.png');: = new PictureABC ((window_x div 2) - 200, window_y div 3, 'models celebration.png');;;: = new PictureABC ((window_x div 2) - 80, window_y div 3, 'models button_start.png'); : = new PictureABC ((window_x div 2) - 80, (window_y div 3) +50, 'models button_exit1.png');: = new PictureABC (20, 10, 'models button_restart.png');. Visible : = FALSE;;

{Метод визначає координати польоту снаряда} Physics (v0, angle: real); x, y: integer;: real; t <15 do begin: = t +0.03;: = ActPlayer.y- round (5 * (v0 * sin (Angle * pi/180) * tg * t * t/2));: = 50 + ActPlayer.x + round (5 * (v0 * cos (Angle * pi/180) * t)); y> window_y then continue; x> window_x then continue;. MoveTo (x, y); PasPlayer.Intersect (Ball) then beginPasPlayer.Life <1 then begin; EXIT;;. Life - = 1 ;;; (5);; PasPlayer.Life <100 then ChangeTower;

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