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Реферат The Semantics of Colors in John Milton's Poem Paradise Lost

Matschi, +2004 p. 83)., The Eden was the perfect place with picturesque views and nature, where everything is growing and blooming. Hence, green also has the associations with life. Consider the following quote:

A darksome cloud of locusts swarming down

Must eat, and on the ground leave nothing green; must overshadow all his bounds ... (Milton +2005, p. 388)

speaking, green is the most frequently mentioned colour in Paradise Lost. The majority of landscapes and their descriptions in Eden are followed by green. As the paradise is considered to be the place of eternal life, it proves the idea of ??colour of life.

2.5 The Concepts of Light and Darkness in J. Milton s Poem Paradise Lost

In Paradise Lost, many of the structures and symbols are similar. For instance, in heaven and hell there is a lord, namely God and Satan. In the poem, the most prominent thing about hell is its darkness, whereas heaven is full of luminous light. Moreover, the fallen angels, previously glorious and beautiful, are now ugly and disfigured. In the following lines, confrontation of black and white, or darkness and light, or evil and good appears:

With blackest insurrection to confound

Heaven s purest light, yet our great Enemy, incorruptible, would on his throne .... (Milton 2005, p. 45)

, blackest insurrection reflects hell, whilst purest light - heaven. These mirror, and therefore reverse; images of heaven and hell also work on a theological level. The darkness of hell symbolizes the distance Satan and his army are from the luminous light and grace of God.this section, the comparison of two semantic fields, light and darkness, is presented too. One can notice from Table 1 that J. Milton uses a wide range of collocations with colours to represent the concepts of light or darkness:

color semantic paradise lost

Table 1

ColourCollocationSemantic fieldWhiteRadiantLightBlueFirmamentLightRosy redCelestialLightRedHand to plagueDarknessRedImpetuous rageDarknessGreenPleasantLightGreenLighterLightGreenBank, profuse of flowersLightBlackNightDarknessBlackTartareous cold infernal dregsDarknessBlackThunderous cloudsDarknessBlackFire, horror, rageDarknessBlackBituminous gurgeDarknessBlackAttendant deathDarknessBlackInsurrectionDarkness

Therefore, from the above table one can obviously see that light is presented in a very laconic way, whilst the darkness is full of substantives that refer to darkness, evil, chaos and death. J. Milton groups lexical units into the fields and set them into a religious scenario. The author uses this dualism and symbols to signify the nature of light and darkness, its relevance to human world. Thus, the concept of evil is more precise than the concept of good in the poem. The God and everything that relates to him is presented through the perspective of disobedience, fall as well as through the satan and fallen angels point of view.


The semantic analysis of colours in John Milton s poem Paradise Lost led to the following conclusions:

1. Four colour terms were analyzed, namely black, white, red, and green. In Paradise Lost, they appear 33 times: black (13), white (2), red (4), green (14). The analysis showed which colour terms have denotative meaning and which ones bear connotative and symbolical meaning.

2. In the poem, black colour represents death, hell and abyss whilst white colour reflects the divine light. Moreover, the results showed the stark contrast between these two colours.

. Red colour stands for love. This colour is also used to express temptation and sin of human beings.

. Green colour stands for hope and life. Hope is one of the complex subjects of the poem.

. Colour categories play a major role to express J. Milton s religious ideas and believes. The poet as a Christian believed in one supreme God, who created the Earth. In Paradise Lost, the God is represented through the perspective of disobedience and through the satan and fallen angels point of view.


Spalvos nuo seniausi? laik? domina? vairi? sri? i? specialistus. Pasaulio literat? Roje spalv? reik? mei ir simbolikai sk i riamas vienas i? pagrindi ni? vaidmen ?. ? io tyrimo objektas - spalv? kategorijos (juod a, balta, raudona ir? alia) D? ono Miltono poemoje Prarastasis rojus. Darbo aktualumas pasi? Ymi tuo, kad iki? Iol ...

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