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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Types of political regimes and their characteristics

Реферат Types of political regimes and their characteristics

litical inertia mass ignorance of her patterns clicks party policy creates favorable conditions for maneuver in its own interests.important feature of the political regime is the relationship between the ruling elite and the opposition. It takes into account the legal status of the opposition form of legitimacy, its types (party, social, military, revolutionary, terrorist) and the extent of the opposition to influence society. In underdeveloped party system opposition is unable adequately to compete with the ruling elite of the state [8, p. 490]. Of the electoral system and form of government allows the most accurate representation of the essential features of modern democratic political regimes. The effectiveness of each electoral system depends on the form of government and political culture. The most effective is proportional preferential electoral system using regional lists in parliamentary republic. In transitional societies is important because electoral laws encourage party competition.the public has civilized political pressure on the government to protect their interests, it provides a balance of social forces, thus increasing the level of party competition. If the dominance of certain social groups, strong in property, financial or ideological sense, the party under the guise of "national interests", appeal to people's instincts and actually forced to express strategy of monopoly groups. Accelerator party competition is the social stratification that recreates civilized public pressure on the government.the relations between the state and pressure groups is important to create equal legal conditions for defending social interests through mechanisms of social partnership, lobbying interests, simplify legislative solution to the conflict and to ensure public access to objective information about political life. The main elements of civil society is free media, free universities (with the status of autonomy) and pressure groups as the representative of the public interest [16, p. 112]., Among scientists there is no consensus and approach to the definition of the political regime and its characteristics. However, most local authors are inclined to believe that the political system - a way of functioning of the political system of society, determining the nature of political life in the country, a system of techniques, methods and techniques of political power in society. The political regime is characterized by a number of common features as well as special, inherent in our country. br/>

1.3 History of study of the political regime

first information about the study of the political regime (albeit rather vague) belonging to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Not surprisingly, the term democracy is of Greek origin. It is here formed an opinion about the power of people and the implementation of the latest in national interest but usurpation and concentration of power in the...

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