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Реферат Types of political regimes and their characteristics

hands of one person (group of persons) as a power which in essence is not popular. The ancient philosopher Aristotle, for example, filed two criteria by which one can conduct classification state regime: later, in whose hands the power and on how this power is used.the Middle Ages the doctrine of special attention is paid to the political regime. However, interest in this phenomenon increased XVIII - XIX centuries. and is associated with such names as Hobbes, E. Byerk, C. Montesquieu, A. de Tocqueville, F. Ferguson, B. Constant, J. Myedison, Marx, Weber, K. Prev, D. Cola, F. Beneton, Aron, R. Dahl, E. Vyatr and others.Ukraine this subject actively processed such domestic political scientists and sociologists as O. Haran, V. Gorbatenko, A. Kolody, P. Kutuev, M. Mikhalchenko, I. Bekeshkina, S. Ryabov, M. Riabchuk, V. Polokhalo, F. Rudich, M. Sazonov, A. Fisun. A wide range of problems of postcommunist government modification covered by Russian scientists N. Afanasyev, K. Hajiyev, V. Hyelmanom, L. Gudkov, V. Rukavishnykovym, I. Klyamkinym, J. Levada, M. Ilyin, A. Melville, I. Pantin, L. Shevtsova, O. Yanytskyi.today 's world we can talk about 140-160 modes, which slightly differ from each other. So there is a need to examine their common and distinctive features and classification according to certain criteria [11, p. 87]. br/>

1.4 The main approaches to the study of political regimes

organic unity of the three political institutions - political organization, systems and methods of power system of rights and freedoms - form a new political phenomenon - the political regime.political regime is due to three bases. Economic stands ownership of the basic means of production: in whose hands the property - in the class and favorable conditions of political life. Political - serves the state. Endowed with legislative and executive powers, it establishes and maintains order in society, profitable incumbents. The ideological basis is the ideology of the ruling class, which states in people's minds with the expediency with the existing social order.political science there were two traditions in understanding political regimes. One of them is related to the political-legal, or institutional, approach other - with Sociology. The difference between them is very significant, though not insurmountable.and legal (institutional) approach. Scientists representing this area of ​​policy analysis, tend to equate the concept of "regime" with the term "form of government or polity." p align="justify"> "The political regime is a system or form of government," writes, for example, an American researcher K. Baxter. Such an approach is traditional and has been characterized as the French State management where monarchy and republic differed just as the form of government, and the term " ; political regime "...

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