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Реферат Modality as one of syntactic categories of language

ot sure.means are such modal words as perhaps, maybe, probably, possibly. Many linguists say about modal words as an independent part of speech. Their syntactic function is an introductory member suggestions. The question of modal words was first staged by Russian linguists in relation to the Russian language. In foreign linguistics this type was noted, but was not allocated in a special category. The question arises how to deal with these units, syntactic position which does not provide information regarding their morphological nature. It seems that there are two possible solutions: either they are a special modal words, or that adverbs can function along with modal words. Some foreign and Russian linguists believe that these words are adverbs, involved in the field of modal words, without ceasing to be adverbs. Other linguists are firmly convinced that words such as perhaps, maybe, probably, possibly should include the modal group.

2.2 Classification of modality expressing language means

The three basic types of modality can beas follows: Modality. Characterization of the relation between a State of Affairs (SoA) and the realization of that SoA.Modality. Evaluation of a SoA.Modality. Expression by the speaker of his/her commitmentregard to the truth of a proposition.can be seen, this initial division reflects the scope of each different type, ie as modifying a particular unit within a linguistic expression: inherent modality modifies predicates (layer 1), objective modality modifies predications (layer 2), and epistemological modality modifies propositions (layer 3). Following this first structural characterization, a subdivision in semantic terms will be offered, based on the assumption that deontic and epistemic contents are present at more than one level: Modality. Ability (physical or acquired), volition, and deontic contents of obligation and permission.Modality. Deontic and epistemic scales.Modality. Subjective epistemic contents, subjective volition

(wishes or hopes) and evidential contents (experiential, inferential, quotative)., the procedures for expression can be of two types: (satellites). Basic or derived predicates, embedding predicates, construed syntactic units (for instance, adpositional phrases) .syntactic (operators). Verbal mood, clitics or other particles. Although the aforementioned description of expression procedures depends on a language-specific component which includes rules of expression, this model also allows one to make important cross-linguistic predictions, for instance the prediction that adverbs or adverbial phrases always express epistemological modality. The distinctions made in this section are summarised in Table 1:

Modality typeScopeSemantic contentExpression procedureInherentPredicateAbility (physical or acquired), volition, deontic contents of obligation and permissionPredicates, predicate operators.ObjectivePredicationDeontic scale (from obligatory to forbidden) Epistemic scale (from certain to impossible) Predicates, predication operators.EpistemologicalPropositionSubjective epistemic contents, subjective volition (wishes, hopes, etc.), evidentiality (experiential, inferential, quotative) .Predicates (including adverbs and adverbials), proposition operators.

In modern English there are grammatical and lexical means of expressing modality. Grammatical means are modal verbs like must, should, ought, will/would, can/could, may/might, need. Moreover, these verbs weaken its initial value, desirability, of obligation, necessity, etc., and transmit only the relation of the speaker to the content of the assumptions in General. Modal verbs convey different shades of modality, starting with the assumption bordering on certainty and ending with the assumption in which the speaker is not sure.means are such modal words as perhaps, maybe, probably, possibly. Many linguists say about modal words as an independent part of speech. Their syntactic function is an introductory member suggestions. The question of modal words was first staged by Russian linguists in relation to the Russian language. In foreign linguistics this type was noted, but was not allocated in a special category. The question arises how to deal with these units, syntactic position which does not provide information regarding their morphological nature. It seems that there are two possible solutions: either they are a special modal words, or that adverbs can function along with modal words. Some foreign and Russian linguists believe that these words are adverbs, involved in the field of modal words, without ceasing to be adverbs. Other linguists are firmly convinced that words such as perhaps, maybe, probably, possibly should include the modal group.


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