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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The concept and feature of literary translation

Реферат The concept and feature of literary translation

characteristic. Such difficult construction of the offer usually for style of short messages and correspondence of English newspapers. Authors of such messages aspire to include as much as possible sensational details in one offer. For example:

S.T. - Thousands of Algerians tonight fled from the В«dead cityВ» of Orleansville after a twelve-second earthquake had ripped through Central Algeria, killing an estimated one thousand one hundred people.

The semantic centre of the given offer is the subordinate clause subject (earthquake), instead of a main clause subject (thousands of Algerians). Round this semantic centre all other elements of the offer are grouped - where there was an earthquake as long it proceeded, how many the person was lost. While translating this offer is better for breaking into two or even three separate independent offers:

T.T. - Сьогодні вночі тисячі алжирців втекли від землетрусу з В«мертвого містаВ» Орлеанвіля. Землетрусу, яке тривало дванадцять секунд, піддалися центральні райони Алжиру. Як вважають, загинуло тисяча сто осіб. p align="justify"> Sometimes, on the contrary, it is necessary to unite offers in one or to rearrange offers, in particular when it is demanded by a logic system of the offer:

S.T. - We were overjoyed - there was about a week to go - until we saw the В«premisesВ». Our faces fell, our hearts sank.

T.T. - Ми раділи, адже залишалося всього близько тижня, але коли ми побачили приміщення, обличчя у всіх витягнулися, настрій впало. p align="justify"> Parenthetic clause transfer to transfer by a parenthetic clause is undesirable, since it would break semantic communication. Therefore the subordinate clause В«але коли ми побачили приміщення ...В» to unite with the second.English language cases when the new offer or even the paragraph closely connected with previous, begins with the union В«forВ» В«forВ» В«asВ» are very extended . For Russian not so usually to begin the offer or the paragraph with these unions.Russian the offers entered by the unions В«так якВ», В«боВ», as a rule, separate from previous not a point, and a comma (that testifies to more close connection between them). For example:

S.T. - She wanted the three Indian jugglers arrested immediately; for they knew who was coming from London and meant some harm to Mr. Franklin Blake.

T.T. - Вона хотіла, щоб негайно заарештували трьох індійських фокусників, так як вони знали, хто повинен був приїхати з Лондона і задумували щось недобре проти містера Франкліна Блейка. p align="justify"> In this example, the close causal relationship between offers is very clearly felt, and in a Russian translation, they can be separated only by means of a comma.the following В«forВ» the new paragraph begins the union:


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