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Реферат The role of television in political processes

equential argument, making considered personal choices and registering preferences soberly, in solitude of the voting booth.

Finally, pre-planned media events, high holidays of mass communication are the clearest symptoms of the development of political theatre . According to Fiske, the term media event is an indication that in: modern world we can no longer rely on a stable relationship or clear distinction between a real event and its mediated representation. Consequently, we can no longer work with the idea that the real is more important, significant, or even and true than the representation. A media event, then, is not a mere representation and what happened, but it has its own reality, which gathers up into itself the reality of the event that may or may not have preceded it., A state-theatre (influencing the minds of citizens through political spectacle) is better than a state-prison (influencing citizens through autocratic methods). Thus, political alienation and passive spectatorship can be accepted as factum brutum in the conditions of modern liberal democracies. However, two dangers stemming from mediated symbolic politics for the democratic process are discernable. Firstly, in case of serious political and social problems mediated symbolic politics can easily turn into tranquillity pill for the public, making it numbed to potential conflicts and apathetic towards any involvement in political processes. Secondly, symbolic politics in its TV version often deprives citizens of an access to accurate and objective information, proper political education and adequate political socialization.


paper showed that the causes of transformation of symbolic politics in the era of televisions lie in the development of the media system brought about by the emergence of television and in the technology and discourse of television itself. Another important cause of transformation of symbolic politics was found in diminishing power of a liberal democratic state.study also analysed the effects of the transformation of symbolic politics. It proved that these effects and the excessive use of symbolic politics are far from being considered advantageous to the democratic practices. The negative effects generated by transformation of symbolic politics have been found in the political processes that began resembling a show-business with its triviality, dramaturgy a...

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