anged for the associative realie: coffee - a trivial method of fortunetelling in Georgia.are also word-realies that are not translatable and as V. S. Vinogradov points out, many of them turn into borrowings. Such a word-realie may be an exotism, which in general, is transcribed in translation.S. and Florin S. argue that actual realies which bear national colouring are transcribed as well - therefore it basically means, that the rule is applicable with foreignisms in the SL text. 's see now what is the result of blind-guidence with the rule:
"Good day, Iskander-effendi! Do you remember me? "
The man regarded him closely.
'7 think you work as druggist in Otten's pharmacy ... Yes, yes, at Otten's on Sololaki street ... Am I mistaken? I've met you somewhere, but I can't recall for sure what it is you do ... "
Zarandia handed him his calling card.
"This does not say that I am also chief of the secret service."
The conception of extralinguistic information preconditions and presupposes correct observance of its pragmatic meaning for adequate representation to TL reader. Misrepresentation and ambivalency in the TL text arise due to the selection of semantically inadequate lexical unit for the pragmatic meaning of the SL lexical unit.overtone of irony in the SL speech act may serve as a wrong indicator to the translator to misinterpret and misrepresent the social context of the scene/situation as well as dispositions or relationships of the communication act participants., a non-vernacular translator of the SL text may wrongly assume that alternated markers of distance and solidarity in the same speech act can allow selection only of the marker of solidarity in the TL translation, thus leading the recepient reader to even wronger assumptions about the scene-situation., which are markers of solidarity and bear national colouring should be transcribed or transliterated, but supplied with comments in the footnotes.which are markers of either solidarity or distance in the language community other than of the SL text native reader and are represented in the SL text as foreignisms, should be transcribed or transliterated, but be also supplied with comments in the footnotes to the TL reader; non-vernacular translator of the SL text may not thoroughly understand the extralinguistic information contained in the SL text, misinterpret the pragmatic meaning of a lexical unit or wrongly deduct on the choice of the adequate correspondence of a SL lexical unit in the TL text.
1.5 Cognitive basis of translation. Cognitive linguistics
The study of science behind the human languages ​​is called linguistics. It involves the analysis of where the language originated from,...